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Liked by imanthonytruj, Camerondallas and 563,927 others

hiiitsrei Guess who's the newest member of team 10 😎 now to start vlogging 🤘🏼 @Jakepaul

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JakePaul Glad to have you fam ❤️
Team10whoisu Whoa, yay!
CameronDallas We should do a shoot together sometime 😎
Emiliomartinez Im so happy you're staying here 😁
Ivanmartinez yes yes yes! 💕
TessaBrooks Yes girl! I can't wait.
Imanthonytruj you're staying here with me 🌹❤️
ErikaCostell always plug, even when he's signing new members 🤦🏼‍♀️ yay girl❤️
Kadespeiser the house is gonna be even better now

I walked out of the office with the biggest smile plastered to my face. Jake and Nick had realised I fit right in, plus I had a platform and what they called 'undiscovered talent' so that was cool.

"Hey you, congratulations." I looked up and saw Tony smiling at me.

"Thanks, I'm just happy I get to stay with my new family."

I walked over to the trampoline and flopped onto my back. I felt a dip in the trampoline and saw Tony next to me, and Tessa walking down the stairs smiling at us.

"Hey T!" I called out.

"Hey hey, congrats on being signed." She jumped onto the trampoline and gave me a tight hug.

"I'm so excited guys." Tony grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

Tessa looked down at our hands and winked at me. "So you two, what's this?" She poked our intertwined hands.

Tony looked at me and I shrugged, I didn't even know. "Just great friends." I broke the awkward silence.

Tessa jumped off the trampoline and smirked at us, "Yeah, for now." And walked off, leaving my jaw open.

"Well that went well." Tony nervously laughed.

"I mean, I kinda wanna know the answer." I shrugged and looked away from him.

"I do too." He turned my head so I faced him once again.

He pressed his forehead to mine and sighed happily. "I want to take you on a proper date."


"Tomorrow night."


"I've already planned it out in my head, but you'll find out." He jumped off the trampoline and placed a kiss on my forehead before walking into Jake's office.

I walked upstairs into the boys room, where Tessa was sitting on Ivan's bunk discussing something with him whilst Emilio was playing some video game.

"Hey guys!" I flopped onto Anthony's bed and everyone looked at me.

"Hola." The twins said, Tessa just waved.

Soon enough I found myself being pulled outside by Ivan. He took my hand and we went and sat on the concrete above the pool, our feet dangling just above the water.

"Here goes, Rei-" he started talking, but I got lost in his accent as I always do.

"So?" Ivan looked into my eyes.

"Sorry what?" I shook my head, snapping out of my day dream. I guess he had talked but I hadn't heard.

"I said-"

New member // Anthony Trujillo (completed)Where stories live. Discover now