Twenty one |-/

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"What are we gonna call it?"

It was now the next day, Tessa and I were discussing names for my YouTube channel as we sat on her bed eating chipotle.

"Maybe we should just do what we did with everyone else's channel," Tessa shrugged and bit into the side of her burrito.

"So we just call it Rei Noelle?"

"Yeah? If that's what you want," Tessa placed the burrito on the paper
wrapping and wiped her hands off so she could type it into youtube.

Suddenly my channel was created under the simple name, 'Rei Noelle.'

"You can even film your first vlog tomorrow, Jake's got something planned."

"Sounds great," I smiled and stood up "I'm gonna go downstairs for a bit, seeya T.

I walked down the stairs that for some reason had glitter on them, and walked into the kitchen to throw my food wrappers in the trash.

"Hey," I felt arms snake around my waist and a chin on the top of my head

"Hey," I turned around and pulled Tony into a proper hug. He smelt like laundry detergent and kinda like- the woods? But in a good way.

"Wanna come to the store with me and the Martinez twins?"

"Of course," I smiled and skipped over to where the Martinez twins were waiting for us by the door.

"Let's gooo!" Emilio dragged out the O and we walked outside into the usual warm LA air. I was wearing a beige 'purpose tour' shirt paired with my high waisted mom jeans (with a belt of course) and my white yeezy's. I left my hair in loose waves, which considering the weather may not have been the greatest idea.

"Shotgun!" Ivan yelled and sprinted to the passenger door. Me and Emilio rolled our eyes and climbed into the back, whilst Anthony drove.

"So what are we going to the store for?" I piped up.

"We can tell her right?" Ivan looked at Emilio who shrugged, "Were getting a bunch of duct tape so Jake can prank Logan!"

"Oh heck, that's a good prank," I added with a laugh.

(I'm kinda gonna make
The duct tape prank a
Little different.)

I saw Tony's face go slightly red from the side mirror and was taken aback. Did I sense- jealousy?
We we're really only talking about a prank... in front of him.

"Uh we're here," Tony killed the engine and we all got out of the van.

We made our way into the store, but alas the boys decided they all wanted to vlog and put me in a shopping cart for no particular reason.

"Found the duct tape aisle!" Tony called out, making Emilio turn left and speed walk to where Tony and Emilio were.

"Put all of this in the cart," Tony instructed the boys, which resulted in me sitting in a few hundred rolls of duct tape.

"I'm getting out!" I laughed.

"Here," Tony helped lift me out of the cart and I stood up.

"Thank you," I kissed his cheek and continued our walk to the check out.

"That's a lot of duct tape you've got there, planning a kidnapping?" The lady at the check out asked sarcastically. She was about 5'8 with dark hair that hung just below her shoulder, and skin the colour of coffee.

"Not this time, just prancing our friends brother," I replied with a smile.

"Ah, I see. Well good luck with that," she laughed in a high pitched tone.

"We hope it works," Ivan shrugged.

"I mean, if it does that'll be mad clickbait."

"Clickbait?" The coffee skinned girl asked.

"Yeah, were youtubers. Well, they're youtubers I haven't started yet-"

"Basically we post videos online," Anthony interrupted me as I was rambling on as usual.

"Oh that's cool! I just work here," she laughed and pointed up.
I looked at her name tag which read 'Idra.'

"Hey, sorry, weird question but do you have Instagram?" I asked as she packed the last of the duct tape into a bag.

"Uh yeah actually, it's IdraNonni," she said with a warm smile.

( eye-dra  no-neye)

"Okay cool, thank you!" I waved at her as we walked away and walked back into the large parking lot.

"That's a whole lot of duct tape," I said as Emilio opened the boot and we began loading the tape inside. And I mean, ALOT of tape.

"It's gonna be a great prank," Emilio smiled evilly.

"Yeah yeah, let's get back home and give Jake the tape so we can head over to Logan's," Tony said.

"Okay, let's go," I said enthusiastically.

"Oh, also Mark is at Logan's and he's in in the prank, but I also think there's some boys there. I think they're called," tont thought for a second.

"Oh, they're called Why Don't we."


Ooooo y'all, Idra is gonna be
Important soon, you'll see. And
So will the why don't we boys 😎

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