Twenty eight

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"You want us to what?" I questioned.

"Make a song," Tessa replied.

I thought for a moment. Chessa was done and so were me and Tony and the boys probably would support us, plus Erika....

"Yeah okay," I finally gave in.

Jack and Alissa hi-fived me as I was sitting between them in the car. Let's just say Rice and KSI are dropping a diss track and Tessa decided we needed to drop a song too.

But don't worry, Tessa wasn't actually in the car with me for reasons, aka Alissa. She was on the phone to me and apparently she was at the same studio as rice and KSI. This should be fun...

"Yes! Text me when you get here, we're in studio 3."

"Sounds great T."

"Bye!" I hung up the phone.

"This is going to be great Rei," Jack smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Definitely going to be interesting," I agreed and gave into his hug, resting my head on his shoulder.

Of course we soon pulled up to the studio, Alissa and Ricky agreeing to seperate from us so they can go to Rice and KSI, whilst me and Jack go to Tessa.

Jack pulled out my phone from his pocket- as my jeans didn't have any pockets- and checked what studio Tessa said, "Studio 3, uh we go left."

I nodded and followed him down the hallway as we arrived at a door which I'm guessing was the studio we were in.

"Rei!" Tessa opened the door before I even had a chance to knock. "Jack!" She laughed and pulled us into hugs.

"So you need to record your part uh- right now," she smiled sweetly and held me out paper with what I'm guessing was my lyrics, to me.

I locked eyes with Jack who just shrugged and sat on the black leather couch behind the producer with an encouraging smile.

I walked into the small sound booth and put the headphones on. Immediately music started playing. I did my parts- trying not to laugh as I could see Tessa and Jack arguing about something- and when it was done I walked out of the booth.

"This is gonna be lit!" Tessa smiled.

"Chanthony are quaking," I laughed.

"And they're even going to be more jealous that my two favourite girls are going to be looking fire at the music video I've got planned for you two," jake said like it was a casual thing, which obviously it wasn't.

"A music video?" I questioned.

"Apparently so," Tessa laughed.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Oh! So that's what I saw you two arguing about. Makes sense."

They laughed and the producer called us over to listen to the rough copy of the song. Let's just say it's fire.

"So now we have the music video shoot?" I questioned.

Tessa and Jack nodded. Great.

For the next seven hours me and Tessa filmed the most lit music video for the song. It's bound to go viral. We had some outfit changes and scene changes, but it was so fun to do it with my best friend.

When we finally got home at 1am that was a totally different story.

We walked inside the messy house and pushed the tower of water slightly to the left so we could get past.

"Sheesh, what were those idiots doing?" Tessa questioned and glanced at me.

I shrugged and continued walking into the dark lounge room. Tessa walked automatically up to the room but I needed my charger.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice questioned.

I looked over at the couch and mentally face palmed. It seemed Anthony was sleeping on the couch and I'd woken him up.

"Oh uh sorry, did I wake you? I'll just go now-"

"No don't go!" He said quickly.

"Uh okay," I said awkwardly and grabbed my charger.

Of course I was still going to go back upstairs.

"Please, please talk to me without some awkwardness or hating me," Anthony sighed and sat up on the couch, removing the blanket from his torso and pushing it to his ankles.

I sighed.

"Do you know how hard it is? Watching you with Jack every single day for two months, never pushing you because I only want you happy."

That caused me to make eye contact with him and hold it for a moment before dropping my gaze back to the floor. "And do you understand how hard it was for me when you cheated on me? Fuck Tony, we live in the same house and I had to see you every single day knowing what happened. I loved you Tony, you broke me heart," I poured out most of what was going through my mind, but I sounded weak and my voice trembled.

He stood up and took my hands- but weirdly enough he did it in a friendly way- of course he towered over me (all the team 10 boys are very tall) which made me a little intimidated, not that I'd ever admit it.

"I'm sorry. You don't understand how sorry I am," he locked eyes with me but kept at a slight distance as he knew I was still uncomfortable. "I only bought Sofia over to make you jealous, to be honest she's my cousin," he laughed.

"Really? Your cousin?" I laughed "oh that's shame."

"Hey, hey, hey I did it for a reason. Besides everyone else knows she's my cousin," he shrugged.


Tony raised his eyebrow, knowing I was about to speak again.

"Tony- I forgive you," his eyes lit up, "But I'm still with Jack and I don't know if that's going to change."

His smile dropped a little.

"But do you still have feelings for me?" He questioned.

I grabbed my charger and began walking to the stairs, stopping at the base of them and turning my head to face Tony.

"Sad to admit, I always will."

I jogged up the stairs and quickly went into the bedroom, not willing to face Tony. I went straight to sleep in the Red sweatpants and Jacks hoodie that I had on from coming home.

Tomorrow should be interesting.

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