Competition // Read 💖

2.4K 18 32

(Now closed x)

Before I start I've gotta thank everyone for over 100k reads, that's absolutely mental!

So I've decided something, I've already got one new character coming into the story but as a bit of a 'thank you' I'd like to insert another character into the story. So if you'd like to have your character in the story just fill out the 'application' (I'm not sure what to call it 😂) below and message it to me or just put it in the comments and I'll pick one or two and you'll become quite important in the story x

Person you want to be with; (only fill this out if you want to be with someone in the story, you don't have to be)
How you meet team 10;
Describe how you look;

You can add anything else you want but that's the basics of it (:

Two new chapters coming out tomorrow!!

Also I live in Australia not to confuse people about time zones x

(Edit: I probably should have mentioned since this is an Anthony story if you decide to have a romantic interest and you say Anthony and I choose you then it might go like this
(Although I might even make a second book so the story could go totally different Ive got a lot of ideas for what's coming 👀)

You won't date for for the whole story, but, depending on how the character develops, continue to be in the story
(maybe pick a second person if you say Anthony if you really want a romantic part in the story)

New member // Anthony Trujillo (completed)Where stories live. Discover now