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"We have to tell you-"

"Go on." I was suspiciously.

"This!" Nick flashed a huge grin and passed me a medium sized box that was wrapped in gold wrapping paper.

"What is it?" I asked, examining the box.

"Open it and see." Nick said excitedly.

I shrugged and tore the paper back to reveal a brand new vlogging camera, exactly like Jake's.

"Holy shit!" My eyes went wide and I held up the shiny black camera.

"You're a vlogger now!" Jake smiled, I finally noticed Jake's own vlog camera next to him, recording.

"Thank you so much!" I engulfed the boys in a big hug and skipped out of the office, my vlog camera tucked safety under my arm.

I walked into Tessa's room and plopped down next to her, where she was sitting on her bed editing a vlog. I showed her my new camera and she was just as excited.

"So I've gotta make a YouTube channel, learn to edit and then I can be a YouTuber!" I said, obviously excited.

"Yes! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks T, also where's the boys?" I questioned, not noticing them when I came upstairs.

She shrugged, "probably gone to get food."

"Makes sense." I laughed and sat on the bed watching Tessa edit for another hour; it was a long vlog.


"Guess who's here!" Me and Tessa heard a familiar voice call from downstairs.

I ran downstairs and straight into the arms of the guy who called out, which happened to be Tristan.

"I missed you T!"

"I missed you too!" He laughed and we pulled away from the hug.

It seemed most of team 10 was here, including AJ, Alex, Chad and two twins who I hadn't met yet.

"Hi I'm Marcus." One smiled, he was slightly taller than the other and has curlier hair.

"And I'm Lucas." The other one came up and hug me, which I was used to affection in the team 10 house by now.

"Oh hey! I'm Rei." I gave a cheesy smile and noticed Anthony wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"My girlfriend." He said a little too harshly.

"Whoa protective Anthony gotta chill!" Chance laughed and wrapped his arm around my free shoulder.

"Okay, well gotta get going guys. I've gotta set up a YouTube channel."

"You got a camera?" Tony asked.

"Yup." I flashed him my new one and walked upstairs back into Tessa's room so I could create my channel.

I'm so so sorry this is short,
School was a bit hectic today
And I have to memorise lines
For my drama audition! I'll
Make a much longer chapter
Tomorrow, promise ❤️

New member // Anthony Trujillo (completed)Where stories live. Discover now