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It was 10:52 am and we had just arrived back in LA. Chad was coming to pick us up in the team 10 and I was excited to get home and see the rest of the family.

"Tepper!" I yelled as a saw his tattooed skin and bright smile. I automatically ran up to him and wrapped him into a tight hug.

"I missed you T!" I smiled.

"I missed you too kiddo." He laughed and messed up my hair before greeting the rest of the gang.

"Let's head home!" Chad said, clapping his hands together and walking out of the airport into the car park. We all followed.


"So, on a scale of 0-10 how would you rate this weekend?" Tony asked, looking down at me as I was lying on his shoulder.

"Gotta be an 11/10 at least."

"That good?"

"Well yeah, were married now." I winked and flashed my ring pop, which wasn't dirty as It was now only the plastic part. "Oh, and I saw my brother which was amazing. THANK YOU AGAIN JAKE!" I called out to him as he was in the passenger seat.

"ITS COOL!" He yelled back.

"But which was better?" Tony asked sneakily.

"Getting 'married'." I smiled, putting air quotes around the word married.

"I hoped you'd say that." He pulled me into a hug and we continued to talk until we finally pulled up to the team 10 house.

"Finally!" Me and Tessa jumped out of the van and ran into the house, leaving the boys to get our bags. But hey, they love us.

"TRISTAN!" Me and Tessa yelled and ran up to the first person we saw, knocking him to the ground in a hug.

"It's been two days!" He laughed, hugging us back.

"Yeah but we missed you!"

"I missed you two too." He smiled, and we got up off the floor.


I was cut short as me and Tessa ran to Nathan (Speiser) as we noticed someone loitering near the back door.

"What. Why is she here?" I asked Alex, who looked shocked.

"She just came in a few minutes ago and none of us could get her out, I'm so sorry." He replied.

I walked right up to her, Tessa following me sheepishly. I'm just glad the boys were all still outside, oh and Alex was vlogging the whole thing.

"Alissa Violet. Whatcha doing here?" I said in the fakest happy tone I could muster.

"Waiting for Jake." She said in a tone that made her sound like a stereotypical dumb blonde.

(I dont actually hate Alissa
That much, it's a fanfic,
Remember that.)

"Uh well, you should leave." I said bluntly.

"I don't want to." She snapped back.

"Yeah well, the boys will be in here any second and we don't want them to see you or your cheap extensions." Tessa hissed, pointing to her obviously blonde extensions.

"No. Jake can tell me to leave f he wants."

"HES KICKED YOU OUT ALREADY!" Chance walked inside and walked straight up he Alissa, keeping distance but shielding me and Tessa.

"That's in the past!"

"It's not! What the fuck Alissa? Just leave! We don't want you here." Chance yelled- well, more like he said very loudly to her.

Suddenly we heard the door slam shut and bags dropped on the floor softly.


"Jake." She said, an evil smile on her face.

"Why are you here?" He stood at the door.

"Waiting for you, silly."

Erika walked in and i immediately saw the anger in her eyes. She was hurt for so many reasons.

"I'm going to rip those ducking extensions out of your-" Jake pulled Erika back and stepped in front of her. We walked up to Alissa and calmly said "Get the fuck out of my house. Go back to Ricky, your boyfriend. I kicked you out for a reason and I don't want you here anymore."

"Fine. But I'll be back." She blew a kiss and walked out the front door, slamming it.

"Bitch." I said loudly and stomped upstairs into Tessa's room.

I unpacked my suitcase and decided I needed to shower. I jumped in and was immediately relieved by the hot water making my body less tense. After a while I still hadn't heard Tessa come in so I hopped out and dried myself off with a towel. I threw on one of Tony's hoodies and a pair of grey leggings. I slipped on my Nike slides and walked downstairs.

"Hey." I plopped down on the couch between Emilio and Ivan.

"Hey." They smiled back.

"I can't believe she did that! After everything" Ivan said, shaking his head.

"I know, but she's gone now so that's all that matters" I shrugged and looked at Ivan's phone.

He was live streaming on Instagram, but had paused the broadcast for me. "Oh, unpause it!" I said happily.


He unpaused it and the comments began rolling in. '#Rivan' was the most common. "Hi guys." I smiled brightly at the phone and saw Ivan smiling at me.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Oh nothing" he shrugged it off.

We continued to talk to the viewer for a little longer, answering all the questions we could. Honestly the fans were amazing.

"Thank you all, we truly love you all so much. Tweet us or tag us in some photos from this broadcast and we'll try to like them!" Me and Ivan attempted to say at the same time.

"Mwa!" I blew a kiss to the camera and Ivan ended the live.

"The team 10 fans really love you." Emilio smiled, showing me hundreds of tweets about the live stream.

I went on twitter and Instagram and liked a bunch of the photos, following someone or commenting on a few photos. But soon enough, as always in the team 10 house, I was called into Jake's office.

"Yo Jake what's up?" I smiled at him and sat in a chair, facing him and nick.

"We have to tell you-"

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