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I unlocked my phone and checked the time, 7:30. I nudged Tessa, who was wearing headphones as she was editing, and she looked at me.

"Time for me to start getting ready!" I squealed.

"Yes! What did he say to wear?" Tessa asked as she laid her laptop on the floor. Damn, editing looked complicated.

"Well, he said to be casual but kinda fancy so I was thinking a dress?"

Tessa nodded her head in agreement.

"Let's go find Rei a great outfit" Tessa sang and skipped over to her closet, where my clothes were now neatly folded.

It took us 20 minutes to decide on a dress, which happened to be a simple cream, silk dress that draped and hugged all the right places.

"Natural glam?" Tessa asked, moving my hair out of my face so she could do my makeup.

"Yeah, but go ham on the highlight." I laughed and let Tessa start making me look decent.

It took us until 8:30 to finish getting me ready. I know Tony said it wouldn't be extravagant, buuut I wanted to look nice anyway.

"There." Tessa finished curling the ends of my dyed-brown ringlets and smiled, satisfied with her work.

"Now, pick up your purse and go!" She pushed me out the door.

"Okay, okay. Thank you T! And Tell Erika she can help next time." I gave her a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek and walked downstairs.

"Well don't you look like a snack." Jake laughed and walked into his office, not looking back. I shook off his idiotic comment.

I sat down on the black sofa and waited around three minutes for Tony to walk down the stairs in black ripped jeans and a black button down. Yo he looks really hot tonight. I couldn't stop myself from thinking.

"Hey beautiful." He leant over and took my hand, kissing the top of it with his soft lips, and placed a kiss just an gentle onto my cheek.

"Hello handsome." I flashed a smile.

He grabbed my hand and lead me out to the black uber I assumed we were taking.

"Wouldn't want to waste time parking" he laughed and opened the door for me.

"Good idea." I winked at him and climbed in.

Tony crawled in next to me and gave the guy directions to somewhere.

His hand found its way to my upper thigh, not in a sexual way, more like in a comforting way. We sat and talked to whole trip- which wasn't very long.

"This isn't the date I just need to get something." Tony laughed. We had pulled into the drive through of Taco Bell.

I listened to him order some food, which I assumed was for later.
He paid and we picked up the food.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I questioned him.

"You'll see. I hope you like cheesy dates." He looked down at me, and I could almost feel the happiness radiating off him. Maybe Tony genuinely did like me- maybe we could have a future together.

Within 20 minutes we pulled up to what seemed to be a cozy little park. Tony didn't say anything except walk over to my door and open it for me.

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the trunk, that the uber driver had popped, so he could grab out a blanket and something else.

"Come with me" he smiled and grabbed my hand, intertwining it with his. I followed and we walked up a few flights of stairs that were still useable but had cracked off on some spots.
Thank god I had worn vans instead of the heels Tessa insisted on, otherwise I'd be ankle deep in dry dirt right now.

Tony found a little picnic table and threw the blanket over it, to shield the food from any past damage. "Sit." He grabbed my hand and sat next to me. He opened the bags of Taco Bell and placed he food out onto the table.

"I know this isn't fancy, but I also know you don't like fancy things and you love stargazing. Oh and Taco Bell." He added with a smirk.

"I absolutely love this Tony, it's sweet." I looked up at him and kissed his cheek.

We talked for a while, the conversation flowing like a river. But the night was cold and I had only a dress on, which wasn't a great idea after all.

"Here, put this on." He handed me a grey hoodie with 'Ohio' written on it. I put it on, it was obviously a little loose as men's clothing usually is. The gesture was to cliche but I absolutely loved it.

"Thank you." I wriggled back into the position I previously was in, which was lying between his legs with my head on his chest with his arms wrapped around me.

The night was spent discussing everything imaginable. I was liking Tony so much more the more I got to know him, but I knew to be cautious of these team 10 boys.

"We gotta go." His smile turned to a frown and he grabbed my hand, pulling me up, and used the other hand to grab the picnic blanket. We'd been here for four hours and it's already been the best four hours of my life.

"So how'd tonight go?" Tony asked nervously as we walked into the silent team 10 house.

"It's an 11/10 from me, i loved it, thank you." I gushed and decided to plant a kiss on his lips instead of his cheek.

"I'm glad you liked it, I really am."

We walked up the stairs and I peered into Tessa's room to see her sleeping  body intertwined and with Chance's. I'd leave them to sleep.


"Yeah?" He looked at me from his doorway.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? These losers are asleep."

"Oh course." He smiled.

I grabbed some grey shorts and kept the hoodie Tony had let me borrow on.
I quickly changed in Tessa's bathroom and walked into the boys bedroom where Emilio and Ivan were fast asleep. They look so peaceful when they're asleep.

"Come hereee" Tony said sleepily and grabbed my hands- pulling me on top of him and into his bed.

He was wearing black sweatpants and no shirt as usual. Typical Anthony. He pulled the blanket over us and we laid there cuddled up, enjoying each other's company until we finally fell asleep.

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