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"Rei I swear! No stop it you!" I was attempting to touch Nicks hair and he wasn't having it.

"But Nick!"

"No don't you dare."

I pretend to walk away and quickly touched the top of his hair. He put his hand on his heart and gasped, "I'll get you back for this."

"Oh Nick don't be mad, go have some tea and crumpets!" I ran out of the office and blew him a kiss.

I walked over to the couch and sat next to Tony. Tessa was out at dance and Chance went to watch her, Erika and Jake went to the gym with Ray which left me, Tony, Nick, Kade and the twins home.

I put my head on Tony's shoulder and began being over dramatic." How could Tessa leave at lunch? I need food or I might DIE!"

Tony just laughed, "I'll take you, since we had to put a damper on the Hollywood sign plans."

"Yay! In n' out?"

"Sure, you may want to put on a different top however." He laughed and pointed at my grey spaghetti strap singlet which was virtually see through.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute!" I called out and ran up the stairs.

I ran into Tessa's room and threw on my pink camo Jake Paul hoodie and ran back downstairs.

"Ready to go tony?"

"Let's go."

Jake took his truck so we took the team 10 van as per usual.

"So I heard about you and Ivan this morning... are you guys like a thing?" Anthony asked as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh no we aren't, he just was being welcoming and wanted to show me the sunrise."

"Well you better tell Ivan that because he's not the type to just do nice things for girls. If he does it usually means he likes them."

I rolled my eyes so Tony couldn't see. "I've been in the house for two days, you guys have known me for two days. I hardly think that's enough time to decide if you're into someone!"

Tony looked at me and then back at the steering wheel. "If you say so."

Why is he being so defensive? I thought to myself. He was probably just worried for Ivan or something.
We pulled into the in n' out drive through and I let Tony order for us as I'd actually never been.

"Okay, so if you don't like Ivan then are you into anyone else?" Tony stuffed his face with cheesy fries and glanced at me.

I unwrapped my burger and shrugged, "too early to tell."

"Oh, okay."

"Why are you asking?"

"No reason, just curious."

"Alright then."

We turned on a bunch of random songs and sung along like the idiots we are are.

We turned on a bunch of random songs and sung along like the idiots we are are

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Liked by JakePaul, ivanmartinez and 153,051 others

Whois_Rei lunch with @imanthonytruj is always fun ❤️

View all 3,678 comments
Jakepaul That's Ma boyyy! #OHIO
TessaBrooks Bring me some!
IvanMartinez 😔
ChanceSutton Are you guys a thing?!
Team10_islife Um, who are you?
Tanthonylove No, that's Tessa's man!
Jakexpauluv Cute!
Whois_Rei 😂😂 @jakepaul got you a burger! @tessabrooks ???? @ivanmartinez nope @chancesutton

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