3 - Concert

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Today was the big day.

"Do I look alright?" Mitch asked for the hundreth time in the past hour.

Nel chuckled. "Yes Mitch, you look amazing, as always."

Mitch looked down at the short gray skirt he was wearing, a white collared shirt tucked into it. He was wearing short black platform boots and he felt good. He looked good too but was too nervous to realize it.

"I'm so excited," he rambled as Nel and Mitch walked into the venue. "I know you are," Nel chuckled, handing their tickets to the ticket checker.


Mitch stood up instantly when the lights dimmed, eyes watering with happy tears. This is actually happening, he thought, a grin plastered to his face.

His mom rubbed the small of his back, grinning up at him when he looked down.

Mitch bounced on the balls of his feet and his skirt swirled around him. He watched with wide eyes as the band strolled out onto the stage and a gasp escaped his parted pink lips.

"They look even better in real life," he whispered and the words were drowned out by the sudden screaming of overjoyed fans.

He screamed too, but cut it off after only a note. He would rather sing along than scream.

The band started singing then, one of Mitch's favourite songs and he sang along to every word... to that song and to every song that came after it.

Scott sounded even better in real life, the tall blonde captivating Mitch's attention from the moment he stepped on the stage.

Of course, Mitch loved the others too. He loved all of them, but he felt much more strongly for Scott. It just felt as if there should be a connection between them.

Kirstie was beautiful on stage, a tight leather skirt making her legs look amazing and a lowcut black blouse accenting the effect.

Kevin wore a black blazer with a pair of black jeans. He always dressed a bit more formal than the others but he made it work.

Avi's dark sweater was nicely buttoned up and it hugged him nicely. Mitch eyed him up for a minute, appreciating the outfit before moving his gaze back to Scott.

The blonde was wearing a leather jacket over a white t-shirt, with a pair of fitted black jeans. Mitch was almost drooling at the sight.

And not only did the band look good, damn they sounded good. Mitch was awed to even be in the same room as them.

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