52 - Appointment

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Scott left late that night, after spending a fun day with his boyfriend. Mitch fell asleep that night with dreams of their future and Scott does the same, imagining little kids running around with Mitch yelling at them for making a mess. A future with Mitch is all Scott wants and he's glad that Mitch seems to feel the same way.

The next day, Mitch woke up to his phone ringing loudly next to his pillow. With a groan, he grabbed it and held it to his ear, accepting the call before even checking who it's from. "Hello?" He rasped, still mostly asleep.

"Hey Mitch," his dad's voice said through the speaker and Mitch has to bite his tounge to keep from complaining. "I'm really sorry for waking you up," Mike continued. "But I have some really great news for you and I think you're going to be very excited. I just couldn't wait to tell you!"

Mitch perked up a little at the mention of good news. He really needed some after the stress he had been dealing with. "Yeah?" He asked, free hand rubbing at his eyes. "What is it?" Mike laughed, a smile stretching across his face even though his son couldn't see it. "I'm downstairs. Come down and I'll tell you." He said and Mitch sighed, knowing that he would be getting out of bed for that. "Okay dad," he answered. "I'll be right down. Just give me a minute."

He was rather amused that Mike had called him when he could've just come upstairs and woken him up. Mitch supposed that was part of the drama though and quickly threw on a sweater, raking his hands through his hair as he ran down the stairs. "Morning!" He chirped, sitting down across from his parents in the living room. They smiled at him, both amused at how fast he had been getting downstairs.

"Morning Mitchy," Nel greeted happily. Mike did the same, then Mitch was begging to know the news. Mike chuckled at the boy's eagerness but gave in anyways. "So we got a call from your doctor this morning," Mike started, smiling at his wife. She winked at him and he laughed. "And?" Mitch asked, bouncing his knee in excitement. "And... they finally have an available time for you to get your surgery done!"

Mitch gasped, heart pounding in his chest. He had been waiting for this for so long and it was finally happening. He was going to be a real boy, although he technically already was. "Can we book an appointment?" He wondered, voice higher than normal. Nel laughed and nodded. "We already did. It's next week baby."

It took a conscious effort to keep back his tears so he stopped trying and let them fall. He wasn't going to have boobs anymore, wouldn't have to wear a binder every day to make himself feel more like his preferred gender. "Oh my god, thank you," he cried, rushing over to hug both of his parents. "Thank you thank you thank yo-" he rambled until their laughter cut him off.

Both Mike and Nel were so happy for their son and his reaction was heartwarming. They were excited that he would finally be able to be himself to his fullest extent. The doctors had been trying to find a time to do his surgery for a long time but had been so busy with other things that Mitch had had to wait. And he was alright with that, but now, he knew all that waiting was worth it in the end.

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