51 - Breakfast

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Mitch headed to the kitchen, singing a random song on the way. He was excited to spend the morning with Scott, their first morning together, and he was in very high spirits. And also hungry. Mitch got out the ingredients to make omelets and was cracking eggs when he felt arms wrap around his waist.

Mitch squealed in surprise and giggled when the back of his neck was peppered with kisses. "Hi baby," Scott smiled as he pulled away, keeping his arms around the tiny brunette. "Hi," Mitch answered, going back to his eggs. "I'm making omelets for breakfast. Is that okay?"

Scott nodded, a grin on his face. "Sounds great! I'm a horrible cook but if you want, I can help?" Mitch laughed at the thought. There was no way he would let Scott help him cook. The brunette shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "I don't need you to burn down my house," he joked and Scott rolled his eyes. "But thanks for the offer babe."

They both laughed, Scott much harder than Mitch, who was still focusing on cooking breakfast. "Yeah, you're right," Scott replied, leaning down to kiss Mitch's cheek. He couldn't seem to keep his hands - and lips - off of his boyfriend, even for a minute. "It smells good though." Mitch giggled, moving over to grab a plate from the counter.

"They're done," he grinned, flipping one of the omelets onto the plate, then handing it to Scott so he could repeat the action. "Thank you baby," Scott smiled, stepping away from Mitch and walking over to the dining table. "We could eat outside if you want," Mitch suggested, stopping him in his tracks.

Excited, Scott nodded instantly. "I'd like that!" He would much rather be outside, enjoy the nice weather, than inside all the time. Especially in the morning and also with his favorite person ever. The boys brought their breakfast through the patio door and out to the back deck, Mitch leading the way. "This is really nice," Scott said as he looked around the backyard.

They sat beside each other on an outdoor couch, eating quietly with the birds singing in the background. The silence between them was comfortable and neither boy minded very much. "I love you," Scott whispered after a while and enjoyed the blush his words brought to Mitch's cheeks.

"Love you too," he replied with a smile. "We're so sappy. We act like an old married couple." Mitch added, eating the last bite of his meal and putting the plate on the floor by his feet. Scott giggled. He could totally see that. "I can't wait until we actually are," he answered, thinking about the idea. "And I bet you'll look just as amazing at eighty as you do right now."

Mitch gasped, following it with a loud laugh. "Yeah right!" He teased, his voice getting higher on the last word. "But you, on the other hand, might actually be a hot old guy." Scott laughed too, but shook his head. "We both will be. A hot old married couple. How many cats do you want?" Scott smiled, raising his eyebrow jokingly and Mitch just rolled his eyes fondly. He loved Scott so much. And the answer was two but Mitch would make Scott guess first before he tells him.

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