70 - Medicated Mitch

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The couple dried off and Scott helped Mitch put on his pajamas. "It doesn't hurt too much now," he said as Scott pulled his shirt over his head. The blonde chuckled. "That's good, but you still have some meds in your system. When those wear off, it'll probably hurt a bit more."

Mitch nodded, staring at his chest in awe. He liked the way his shirt lay completely flat against him without having a binder underneath it. Scott smiled fondly and took off his own shirt and pants, leaving him only in his boxers. When Mitch noticed, he frowned. "You're gonna be cold baby," he said. "The temperature's dropping. I don't want you to be cold."

Scott shrugged. "Yeah, but I'll be snuggling with you so it's okay. Besides, you have like a hundred blankets on your bed. There's no way I'll be cold."

It was already the beginning of September and the weather was starting to change. The leaves were turning bright reds and oranges, not falling yet but getting ready to. Fall was Mitch's favourite time of the year. He loved all the colours and the crisp leaves and he especially loved to stay inside and snuggle up with a cup of hot chocolate and a movie.

Mitch sighed, leaving the room and heading over to his. "Suit yourself," he called over his shoulder. Scott rolled his eyes, picking up their discarded clothes and following his boyfriend. He dumped the clothes in the laundry hamper, then joined Mitch under the covers of his bed.

"Come here," Mitch grinned, opening his arms wide, then he yawned. "I wanna cuddle." Scott slipped into them and sighed happily. "I love you," he whispered, staring into partially closed chocolate brown eyes and pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead.

"Love you too," Mitch mumbled in  already half asleep, the medication he's on making him tired. "Go to sleep baby," Scott smiled. "I'll be here when you wake up." Mitch mumbled a response, then his breathing evened out and he fell asleep.

Scott stayed awake for another hour, holding his boy close and watching him sleep with adoring eyes. His heart swelled with happiness and love, and he couldn't believe how lucky he was. After a while, Scott fell asleep with a smile on his face and Mitch in his arms.

This chapter sucks... sorry.

I meant to finish this a few days ago but I got distracted so now here it is.

I'm really not in the best mood and the next chapter will reflect that, I'm sure. Hopefully I'll finish it soon and post it (even though it's kind of sad).

I hope you guys are still enjoying this book. I love reading all of your comments and such. Thank you all for your support on this, it means a lot to me! I can't believe this is already chapter 70!!

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