87 - Phone Call

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All throughout dinner, Mitch was giving Scott a suspicious stare. The younger boy knew something was up and he wanted to find out what.

They had just finished eating when Scott's phone rang. "Oh, I need to take this!" He said apologetically, leaving the table to answer the phone.

"What were you and Scott talking about?" Mitch asked as soon as the blonde was out of hearing distance.

Mike laughed quietly. Of course his curious son would ask him that.

"Nothing special," he replied with a shrug. "I can hardly remember now."

Mitch knew that was a lie. His dad always spoke slower when he lied.

He hummed. "Well okay then," he said.



"Scotty, why aren't you answering your texts?"

Scott sighed. "I'm at Mitch's parents' house right now," he replied. "Why?"

"Quadritonix is going out tonight and we want you to bring Mitch."

Kirstie sounded excited and he smiled. "Where are we going? Is this a publicity thing?"

Kirstie laughed. "No, it's just a fancy party. I've been talking with Avi and Esther and we think Mitch should reconsider joining the band."

Scott froze. Mitch had said no with good reasons and he understood where his boyfriend was coming from. Why would they suddenly think he should change his mind?

"Where is this coming from Kirst?" He asked, his voice much quieter now. "Why should I ask him to reconsider when he had every right to say no?"

She sighed. "Esther's been doing some research and she found an old video of Mitch singing on YouTube. It's... amazing. I'll send it to you, but anyway, we've always known that the band is lacking something. Mitch just might be it."

Well that was news to Scott. There was a video out there of his boyfriend singing and Scott hadn't already found it by himself?

"I'll ask him. I'd love to have him in the band, really, but if he says no again, I respect that. It's totally his choice whether or not he wants to."

"But it's worth asking again either way. Think of how hard it'll be when we're on tour and you don't see eachother for months?"

Scott went to answer but was cut off by the chatty girl again.

"Speaking of tour, we only have a month left until it starts. Does Mitch know?"

Scott had almost forgotten about that. "Um, no?"

"Well you need to tell him soon. Anyway, that's all for now. I'll see you and Mitch tonight. Candice is gonna text you the details to go get suited up before the party."

"I can't wait to see y'all and to party! See ya later Kit! I have to go talk to Mitchy."

"Have fun Scooter. Bye!"

Scott sighed and hung up the phone. He was excited, but thinking of asking Mitch to join the band again and thinking about tour already had him stressing out.

And then there was the possibility of proposing to his boy. He couldn't stop thinking about that too. He just needed a bit more time to plan.


Hi guys, I'm sick :(

I hope you guys are still enjoying this story. I'm back on track with the plot and I'm happy with how it's going.

What did you think of the plot twist?

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