8 - Worry

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"Hmm," mused Nel, a smirk on her face. "You texted that boy, didn't you?"

Mike's eyes widened. "A boy? What boy?" Mitch laughed as his mom rolled her eyes at her husband.

"He's famous dad," Mitch giggled. "Scott, from Quadritonix?" Mike nodded, surprised.

"You're talking to Scott Hoying?" Now that he understood, Mike was proud of his son.

Mitch looked pleased. "I am." Nel grinned at him and shot Mike a smug wink. "He's caught the boy's attention."

Mile nodded. "At the concert last night?" He asked, still trying to figure out the whole situation. "Yeah! He gave me his number!" Mitch beamed, showing his parents his texts with the celebrity.

"Oh look, you have a new one!" Nel stated, pointing to a new text from Scott.

Mitch gasped in excitement and scanned the message quickly.

Scott: well why wouldn't I? I really want to get to know you!

"He wants to get to know me!" Mitch exclaimed, laughing in disbelief. "That's amazing Mitchy!" Mike replied, clapping the smaller boy on the back.

"Well answer him then hun," Nel rolled her eyes fondly. Mitch nodded fast and texted back his idol.

Mitch: I'd like that a lot :)

Then Mitch gasped, thinking of something he hadn't before. His bottom lip wobbled and he bit it lightly.

Nel, noticing this change, gave him a tight hug. "What is it baby?" She asked softly.

"W-what if he doesn't like me when he finds out that I used to be... you know, a girl?" Mitch sniffled quietly and his mom sighed, sad that he qould think that.

"If he doesn't like you because of that, then he's stupid, Mitch." Mike reassured, adding, "And I'll beat him up." Mitch giggled, knowing that his dad really meant that.

"He'll still like you hun," Nel continued. "You're Mitch Grassi, for god's sakes!"

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