37 - Party

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Mitch couldn't believe how nice everyone was to him. He's been a huge fan of the band for years but it somehow felt different to actually be in the same room as them. He wasn't expecting them all to like him so easily but he was glad that they seemed to.

They were all sitting around the living room, eating snacks and talking loudly. There was some music playing somewhere, almost inaudible. Mitch was having a great time - they all were - and he already felt comfortable around the band. Mitch wasn't really paying attention to the conversation, choosing to just watch them all animatedly gossip.

Then Kirstie gasped. "Do you sing?" She asked, looking right at him. Mitch startled out of his thoughts and nodded slowly. What was she going to make me do? He wondered. "Yeah, why?" A smile spread across her face slowly and she leaned over to whisper in Avi's ear. He was the closest to her; Kevin, Scott and Mitch on one couch and Kirstie and Avi on the other.

"We should have a jam session," he said, clearly relaying what Kirstie had just said to him. Scott grinned happily, looking over at Mitch. "Yes!" He gasped. "That's a great idea!"

It took Mitch a few minutes before he realized that they wanted him to sing with them. He shook his head instantly. "Oh no," he said, turning his pleading eyes to Scott. "I can't sing with you guys. I'll sound terrible compared to you!" Scott frowned. "No you won't. Just try? Please?"

Mitch sighed and knew that he gave in far too easily. "Fine," he agreed. "But don't expect me to be any good." Kirstie and Avi laughed while Kevin shook his head. Scott took Mitch's hand and rubbed his thumb over it soothingly. "You're gonna be amazing," he said. "And that's a promise." Mitch rolled his eyes but couldn't stop himself from grinning at his boyfriend's words.

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