65 - After Surgery

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Scott held Mitch's hand the whole time and it wasn't quite as painful as Mitch had thought it might be. He was tired after because the doctor had given him medicine for the pain, but he was still too excited to sleep.

When the surgery was done, Doctor Marcus announced happily that the procedure was successful and that Mitch no longer had any female parts. It had been strange for Scott to see Mitch like that, despite his prior knowledge, but he didn't mind. He loved Mitch no matter what the brunette looked like. His body parts wouldn't alter Scott's affection at all, as long as Mitch was happy.

"You look amazing honey," Scott whispered, kissing the boy's forehead. "Now you won't have to wear a bra or a binder ever again." Mitch giggled quietly. He wanted to touch his chest but Scott, on the doctor's orders, wouldn't let him. "It'll hurt if you do," he claimed but Mitch didn't care. He wanted to feel his now flat chest and he would eventually.

"I'm so happy," Mitch smiled, his eyes closing on their own. Scott cooed at the sleepy boy. "I am too," he replied but Mitch was already asleep.


When Mitch woke up, Scott was sitting in a chair beside him, sipping a cup of Starbucks. "Hi," he mumbled, grinning when Scott met his gaze. "Hey baby, how're you feeling?"

Scott pushed Mitch's bangs off of his forehead gently, affection clear in his eyes. "Good," Mitch replied, waking up even more. "When can I go home?" Scott laughed and Mitch admired the crinkles forming by his eyes. They're so cute, Mitch thought, smiling at the blonde.

"Really soon, honey. The doctor just has to make sure you're okay and then we can leave." Mitch nodded. "I've waited so long Scott," he stated happily. "I can't believe it finally happened!" They grinned at each other. "And I'm glad you're here too," Mitch added, staring into his lover's eyes. "Me too."

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