28 - Nerves

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The pair swam around for another hour or so before they started to get cold. "Let's go back and get dried off," Scott suggested when he noticed that Mitch's teeth were chattering. The smaller boy laughed and nodded happily.

After Scott helped Mitch get our of the water, he watched fondly as the brunette wrapped his arms around himself, quickly covering his boobs. "Ugh, I can't wait to get rid of these," Mitch muttered to himself, glaring down at the small lumps on his chest.

Scott frowned even though he hadn't quite heard Mitch. "Hey," he said softly, setting a hand on top of one of Mitch's hands. "You don't have to be nervous around me." Mitch met Scott's gaze and gave a tiny smile. "I'm not... not really. Not anymore."

Confused, the blonde raised an eyebrow at him. "You were nervous around me at one point?" Mitch chuckled and ducked his head in embarrassment. "Um yeah? When we first met and the first time we went out." Scott grinned. "Aw you're so cute! Why were you nervous?"

Mitch giggled and rolled his eyes. "I've been a huge fan of you for years Scott. I was afraid that you would get to know me and decide that I wasn't worth your time." He tried to brush it off like it was nothing but Scott saw right through the act, already knowing Mitch well enough to tell when he was lying.

Scott gasped in surprise. "Mitch! Okay, I understand why you were nervous, but I wish you wouldn't put yourself down like that. I remember when I first met Katy Perry and I was so scared to go talk to her. Hell, she isn't even my idol and my nerves were going crazy!"

Mitch just smiled as Scott recalled the memory. Not even a minute later, Scott cut himself off with a sigh. "Sorry, that was a bit off topic. My point is that..." Scott took a deep breath, knowing exactly what he wants to say.

"You're most definitely worth my time. You're wonderful and amazing and kind. I really really like you Mitch and you don't need to worry about me getting tired of you, or whatever, because that's not going to happen. Ever. I just want to be happy and proud of who you are."

Mitch smiled with tears in his eyes. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Scott." The blonde blushed and wiped at Mitch's tears with his thumb. "And you're my most favorite person that I've ever met." Mitch giggled as Scott pulled him into a hug, being careful not to touch Mitch's chest so that it wouldn't make the smaller boy upset. "Thank you," Mitch smiled.

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