97 - Lady & The Tramp

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Scott's face split into a grin when Mitch walked down the stairs. "Damn babe!" He called, chuckling. "You look so good!"

Mitch blushed and laughed too. "Thank you Scotty. You do too," he smiled, stepping into his boyfriend's warm embrace.

He pulled back and lifted up one leg, showing off the high heels he was wearing. "What do you think of these?" Mitch asked, giggling and swinging his foot around.

"Love them," Scott replied, so full of happiness and affection. "They look great on you, of course. I don't understand how you can walk in them so well!"

Mitch laughed and shook his head. "Practise, my dear. Are we ready to go on this surprise date of yours?"

Scott linked their arms with a giggle. "You bet we are!"


"Can I open my eyes now?" Mitch whined, squeezing Scott's hand tightly.

The blonde laughed, guiding his boy to the front door of the restaurant. "One more step and... now you can."

Mitch sighed happily and opened his eyes, taking in where they were. "Oh, I like this place!" He exclaimed. It was one of his favourite restaurants because it wasn't too loud or busy but the food and service was good.

"I know you do," Scott grinned, holding the door open for Mitch to enter. He followed him inside and lead him to a booth at the back of the room.


They ended up splitting a plate of spaghetti because Scott said he wanted to have a Lady and the Tramp moment. "You're ridiculous!" Mitch has laughed, but he went along with Scott's antics anyways.

Mitch had to tuck a napkin into his white shirt so that he didn't get sauce all over it, but they both knew that Scott wouldn't have minded if he did.

Once they were full, Scott led Mitch out of the restaurant, after paying of course, and back to the car. "A few more surprises," he smirked. "But I won't make you close your eyes this time."


Mitch's outfit is above (or beside) but without the sunglasses and maybe with some kind of cardian so that he won't be cold.

I have ideas and new chapters are coming #soon!

This is gonna get super cute!!! Enjoy! ;)

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