Chapter 1: Memories of more innocent times.

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Tokyo, Japan. One of the world's popular location and home of the Tokyo Tower. The shining lights. The ever busy Streets. And the rising of new buildings beyond belief and yet, even with all the modernization continuation on in years, people still appreciate the quiet and serene nature, like a park. One of these people include a little girl with golden hair tied in pigtails and piercing blue eyes. She was new in the neighborhood as she and her family had just moved to Japan from Italy a few years ago because of her father's change in occupation. It was all so sudden, but she understood his position and grew to love Japan, as her mother was born and raised here.

Though upon starting school and her given appearance, she had difficulty making friends. She'd always been very meek, so that was obvious. But hoped she would build some confidence during the move. She had tried so hard to make friends with the other kids. She'd been kind, made cookies and other treats, tried to make conversations...however, it wasn't enough. The child was half-Italian and half-Japanese, she takes after her father rather strongly so her Japanese genes were weak, so the kids who bully her call her a "fake Japanese." Right now, she was making a cute little sandcastle when she heard footsteps coming towards her. She turned and saw them . The five who bully her constantly. She quickly turned away, pretending not to notice them. She'd hoped that they might leave her alone this time. Did it work?

What do you think?

One of the kids ran up and shoved her into the sand. Luckily, she shut her eyes and mouth in time. The group stood above her and laughed, and teased her. "Oops! Sorry about that Little Ms. Fake, I didn't see you there." The leader who shoved her, taunted. The golden haired girl picked herself up and dusted the sand off her face and dress. She was aware that his apology meant nothing, so she didn't respond. Rather, she instead walked away. Not giving them a second glance. Then one of the girls grabbed her pigtails and pulled her back. Once she was in arms length, the three boys came and knocked her back down. They laughed and teased her. Called her a wimp and a fake. When she tried to get up and run, they would dragged her back. Kicking her to the dirt. They wanted to see her cry, beg, and hear her whimper. The child, however, did her best to remain strong and not give them what they wanted. They began kicking her much harder and started punching her to get some sort of sound from her. She couldn't keep quiet for long.

She was on the verge from crying. Before anything could go any further, the leader was suddenly hit in the face by a ball. The girl gasped in shock as she turned to see who is was that threw it. She soon finds a young boy, who looked to be several years older, with black hair and green eyes running towards them. "What are you guys think your doing?! Knock it off!"

"It's none of your business, get lost." The leader told him, rubbing his sore cheek.

"I'm not going anywhere until you jerks leave her alone." He said as he got in between them. He stood in front of the girl with his arms outstretched. The group looked at him before laughing. "Oooh...look at this, we got a tough guy. What are you gonna do about it, huh?"

The girl stood up and tugged at the boy's shirt. She told him to just forget her and walk away. She didn't want him to get involved with this. It was her problem, not his. The boy looked at her like she as crazy and refused to leave. "Please. I-I-I don't want to c-cause you any t-trouble." She says.

"Shut up blondie!" The leader yelled as he shoved her again. This time she fell with a cry. The young hero saw her knee was cut and bleeding. Now enough was enough. The boys tackled the leader to the ground. He quickly pinned him down and started punching him repeatedly. The girl watched in shock as the others tried to gang up on him, but he managed to push them away. The leader kicked him off, while holding his bleeding nose, and told his friends to get out of there. Very soon, they all ran away, leaving the two alone. The golden haired girl ran up to her hero with the look of concern. She checked to see if he had any injuries. " Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?" She asked him.

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