Chapter 15: The Joestar Family's secret technique

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"Where the hell have you two been?" Joseph asked him. This made the two teens even more confused. "Hm? JoJo and Hikari left us behind, so the two of us were sunbathing by the pool." Kakyoin explained to him. "With your school uniform on?" Avdol asked.

"Yes, why not?" Kakyoin asked. Avdol turned to Nemuru and asked her, "Nemuru, was Kakyoin with you the entire time, with his uniform on?" The dark-purple haired girl nodded as she said, "Yeah, he and I were out by the pool, and the whole time we were there, he hadn't taken off his uniform once."

So...if Kakyoin was here in the hotel the entire time...then that means-. Joseph went back to the phone and told Hikari, "It's alright, we have the real one here with us. Chiara, be careful, this means your Kakyoin is a fake!"

"B-but I already told you that!" Suddenly, Anne let out yell and Hikari quickly turned around and for a minute her heart just stopped. Jotaro had bust through the window and jumped out of the cable car to escape from the Stand user. He jumped and reached out towards the platform that was across from where they were. He reaches close...just a little further...and he-.

He didn't make it. Jotaro's fingers only grazed the platform as he began to fall. But luckily, with the help of Star Platinum, his reach was extended and Star Platinum managed to grab onto the ledge, pulling his master up to safety. As Jotaro climb up, he looked at his hand. Seeing a piece of Yellow Temperance still stuck on it. It was a little painful, it was like a damn leech. "Good freaking grief." Jotaro groaned out of annoyance. 'A Stand that fuses with flesh..? It's devouring my finger...this could get bad.'

Jotaro pulled himself up and stood above the platform, glaring at Rubber Soul. The latter was still inside the cablecar with a cocky grin on his face. 'But first, I've got to get this stuff off me. Might be easier said than done. It might mean I have to cut off my finger.'

"Haha! You really think you got away?! Sorry to burst your bubble, old pal!" Rubber Soul called out from the cablecar as he continue to say, "Now dig that earwax out of your ears and listen up, hotshot. Your time's run out cause Yellow Temperance....has no weaknesses! You didn't escape, it's just that I don't have to chase you! You're as good as dead, hahahahaha!!!!"

Jotaro went through his pocket and held up his lighter, lighting it. He glances back and forth between the fire and the small blob in his hand. He really didn't want to do this...but what other choice did he have? "This'll hurt like a son of bitch. But I don't have a choice." He said. At the very least, Hikari's Soundless Voice can heal burns. Jotaro brought the lighter over to his finger and set it a blaze. The fire not only covered the slime but also his finger along with it. It hurt like hell, he grit his teeth to try and endure it. Unfortunately, the fire didn't do a thing, it ended up making it spread across his hand even more.

Jotaro's eyes widened as he looked at his nearly consumed hand. "Wait. What the hell? The flame only made it grow bigger." He said, shocked by the sight. "That was a bad idea. Damn, I thought I had it." Looking up ahead, Jotaro saw another cable car heading in his direction. He saw a kid staring out the window with an ice pop in his hand. That gave him an idea. If fire didn't work, then maybe ice can. Jotaro took a deep breath. He towards its directions and, with Star Platinum's strength, he jumped and grabbed on hold of the cable car. Once he was there, he had Star Platinum tear open the door. Dropping down the streets below.

Inside the cable car was the young boy, his sleeping father, their pet dog, and a short, slightly overweighted woman who was sitting across from them. The white dog, startled by the sudden appearance of the young delinquent, barked at him. "Pardon me." Jotaro said as he stepped inside. "My goodness. That's certainly a bizarre entrance." The woman said, unfazed to the fact that someone had, uh, JUMPED ON TO THE CABLE CAR!!!! 

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