Chapter 6: Dio's curse! The journey begins!

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Meanwhile back at the Kujo Estate, Holly was outside hanging some of the laundry to dry, singing to herself when she had felt a rush through her. Holly looked back to a photograph of Jotaro. She ran back inside and hug the framed picture close to her heart. With a bright smile she said, "I just had the most amazing connection with my son right now! Jotaro must be thinking about me at school this very second!"

"I'm not thinking about you." Jotaro bluntly said as he and Hikari appeared at the door frame. Holly cried out in shock and dropped the picture. "Jotaro! Hikari! Why aren't you two at school and who is that boy on your shoulder? Is that blood that he's covered in? Wait a sec, please don't tell me you did that."

"Mrs. Kujo, it's a little hard to explain-" Hikari started.

"It's none of your business. I need to find the old man." Jotaro said as he walked on ahead. "Finding someone in this big house really sucks."

"I think you can find him with Avdol right now. They're both in the tea room." Holly told him. Hikari looked at Jotaro with concern. That's just like him. He always keeps what's necessary to himself. He hardly ever tells anyone what's on his mind. Including her. Hikari had always, and always will, trust Jotaro with anything. She trusts him without a shadow of a doubt. Yet, she wishes that he would share his thoughts with her sometimes. It makes her worry about him, more than she does already. "I know what you're thinking."

Hikari was pulled from her daze when Holly spoke. "Huh?" She asked, confused. "Let me guess, Jotaro never tells us anything. All that does is make us worry about him all the time. Isn't that right?" Holly said with a gentle smile. Hikari didn't say anything for a moment before she smiled back. "Yes."

"But still I know that deep down he means well. He's a very sweet little boy at heart."

Hikari nodded. "Yes, I believe that too. I know that JoJo is still that same brave, yet compassionate boy I met so long ago." Holly smiled at her statement. She was about to say something else when, "Hey!" They quickly turned to face Jotaro, who was on the other side of the house. He then asked his mother, "You're looking a little bit pale this morning. You alright?" Jotaro actually sounded concern. Holly lit up like a Christmas tree and held up a victory sign. "Yay! I'm fine, thank you!" She said. Jotaro immediately went back to being a grump and continued on walking. Hikari smiled as she and Holly both thought the same thing. 'I knew it.' Hikari then told Holly, "I should probably go with him to see if anything happens."

"Alright, I stop by later with the first aid kit."

"That would helpful. Thank you Mrs. Kujo." Before she could go anywhere, Holly asked to wait as she had something to tell her. "What is it Mrs. Kujo?"

"Hikari. I know you have good friends with Jotaro for a very long time. And I know that he really cares a lot about,"


"Hikari, please promise me that you'll take care of him." Holly told her. Hikari was speechless for a moment. She wondered why Holly would ask her to promise something like that. Especially since the two have together since childhood. Nevertheless, Hikari swore that she would, indeed, take care of him. Hikari walked through the house in search of the tea room. When she did, she could hear bits of the men's conversation. When she arrived at the tea room, she heard Joseph say this, "It's too late for him. There's no way he'll make it. He's got a few days before he dies at most." Hikari placed a hand over her mouth. She didn't think she heard him right? She didn't want to believe it at first. He was going to die? Are they responsible for this? Yeah, he attacked them first but...there's nothing worse than a loss of life. "Jotaro, this is not your fault. Trust me, do you want to know why this man swore his allegiance to Dio and came to your school to kill you? Look here, and I will show you!" He placed a his hand on top of Kakyoin's head, and brushed his bangs up. He revealed a disgusting piece of live flesh on Kakyoin's forehead. It looked like a spider and it was moving. Squirming around inside. "What the hell is that? Looks like a spider or a piece of flesh." Jotaro said.

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