Chapter 52: The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 1

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'This'll be my target.' Jotaro aimed his pitcher so the throw would hit the batter. 'Now I'll get to the bottom of this.' He thought to himself.

'Has he lost his mind?! He's gonna hit the batter on purpose?!' Joseph thought.

"And where might you be aiming now Jotaro? An inside pitch? Will you throw it high? Or low perhaps? Or maybe you're planning some kind of underhanded trick. Well?" D'Arby questioned him. Jotaro stayed silent as he pressed the button and the pitcher tossed the ball. The ball flew to the batter, but D'Arby's batter stepped back as soon as the ball left the pitcher's hand.

"What the?! He pulled back when Jotaro threw the ball!"

'If he moved back...' Nemuru thought. 'That means-!'

D'Arby's batter swung and hit the ball. "He...predicted it! He...knew exactly what would happen! But how?! There's no way he could've seen that pitch coming unless he read Jotaro's mind!" Joseph yelled.

"Home run!"

D'Arby smirked as the game lit up from his home run. "Hmph. That's one run." He said. "Damn this bastard!" Joseph yelled. They faced all kinds of opponents on this journey, but never one who could read their minds. If he really can read minds, then it doesn't matter how clever they think they are. They won't stand a snowball's chance in hell. So...what's Jotaro going to do now?

D'Arby chuckled darkly as his next batter stepped up to declare another homerun. "Let's see. An outside pitch? Or maybe you're going to aim low. Or something in the vein of a fastball." He chuckled. Jotaro setup for the next pitch placing it on the right corner of the pitching square. The character threw the ball and just like before D'Arby hit it out of the park.

"Four to two." D'Arby smirked. This wasn't good at all for our heroes. A person's body language in the surrounding environment go a long way toward helping predict an opponent's next move...but there's no way to do it perfectly! And yet, his Stand predicts Jotaro's pitch with 100% accuracy. And technology he's NOT cheating. Another pitch and the score went from four to three. Just how in the hell are they going to stop him from reading their minds?

"At this rate, I'll be in the lead in no time. Now, what's next? An inside pitch, a fastball, a high pitch, or maybe a curveball. What's up your sleeve?" D'Arby asked, taunting Jotaro when the muscled teen took off his hat so it blocked his face's view from D'Arby.

"Your hat..." Joseph said. D'Arby scoffed and looked away. "You idiot. Do you honestly take me for a cheat like my ne'er-do-well brother?" He asked.

"Jotaro, you've got it wrong. Hiding your face is useless." Joseph scolded. "I don't know what he's doing, but he's not watching the reflection of the screen in your eyes. I get that it's hard not to go there now, but there's no way he can see what you're pressing or what pitch you're choosing. Trust me, I've been watching him the entire time. That's not what's been going on here."

"I only took off my hat because I'm sweating. No other reason." Jotaro stated.

"Could you throw your next pitch sometime this year?" D'Arby said, waving around his controller. Jotaro looked down at the screen and said, "But I'm not going to be sweating anymore. I'll tell you my next pitch. I'm throwing a high outside fastball."

"You're joking!!" D'Arby exclaimed.

Joseph and Nemuru were just as surprised as D'Arby was. "Jotaro, do you hear what you're saying right now?!" Joseph shouted as he grabbed his grandson's shoulder. "Of course, I do. Finally starting to lose your hearing Old man? Obviously, I just told him my next pitch. A high outside fastball, that's how I'm gonna win." Jotaro declared as he gave a sharp look to Joseph. Joseph was somewhat taken aback by this and took two steps back, giving his grandson an unreadable stare.

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