Chapter 12: Man vs Ape. One down, six to go

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Jotaro held on to Hikari as she cried out when the ship began to creak and bend on its own. The halls began morphing in and out of control. On the deck, the Joestar group were struggling to escape as they were sinking into the ship's metal floors. To make matters worse, they were also being crushed by the sheer force it produced. "What's going on?!" Avdol asked. "This isn't good!" Jospeh said. Nemuru tried calling forth her Stand but the pain she was feeling from her ribs getting crushed was really making it difficult for her. "It's!" Polnareff said. Nemuru growled at him, "Ya think?!" Hikari's smiling face flashed in her mind. Her heart sank. 'Hikari! You better be safe somewhere!' Nemuru pleaded. Joseph looked in all directions and quickly figured out the truth. "Is the freighter trying to-? possible the ship itself is-?"

"So the Stand is actually the freighter!" Jotaro said. Just then both Jotaro and Star Platinum were slammed against the wall, tied down by the pipes of the ship. "JoJo!" Hikari went in to try and help him, but she was caught by the pipes as well and was against the wall across from him. Again, thank God that towel was still covering her. The orangutan returned, its head poking through the walls, making another gruff laugh. "Damn! You son of a-!" Jotaro growled at the damn ape. The orangutan stepped out into the open, wearing an official captain's uniform and had a smok pipe. In his hands was dictionary, and he held it up to Jotaro and pointed to a single word. The word that the orangutan was pointing to was "Strength". It means force, energy, power or aid. Not only that, but it's also the eighth card of the tarot deck. It suggests challenge, a strong will and hidden powers. As it puffs his pipe, the orangutan toys around with a rubix cube. Seemingly taunting Jotaro with its 'great' intelligence. 

Star Platinum tried to break from their restraints as he ripped off one of the pipes. However, the orangutan quickly noticed it and brought even more to hold him still, the pipes were twice as strong now. It laughed at his face, and Jotaro could already guess what it was thinking. 'Damn ape. Thinks he's won already, huh?' Jotaro thought. 

With Jotaro pin down, with the rest of the group captured, and with such a lovely lady in his grasp....the ape continued on laughing as it made other noise in some stupid attempt to talk. "This entire ship is my Stand and you've lost! You're totally outmatched and helpless, and there's nothing you can do!" Jotaro needed no explanation, he knew what the ape was trying to say. The ape finished the cube perfectly, and crushed it to bits in its hand. Hikari was shaking with fear now. 

She wondered how they were going to get out of this one. Her sapphire orbs darted everywhere around the hall to try and find something for Soundless Voice to grab on to. Hikari nearly jumped out her skin as she caught the orangutan staring at her. More specifically, at her body with lust in its eyes. It spread a sickening smile as its eyes trailed up and down, licking its lips in anticipation. Hikari let out a squeak of fright. Jotaro felt a sudden surge of hate and annoyance as he didn't like how this freaking ape was looking at her. It was pissing him off.

Jotaro reached up and flicks a button from his jacket at the orangutan's head while it was distracted. The ape turned and found the discarded button. He picked it up and, at first, was mildly confused. "Over here, monkey. That button's not part of your Stand." Jotaro said. The orangutan stares at the button in its hand as it's eye began to twitch. It soon began shaking with rage. Jotaro scoffed at it for being so pathetic. "Are you angry? I guess it wounded your pride since you thought you already beaten us. Oh, it's not hurt at all, is it? Because apes like you don't have any pride." From there the orangutan roars in rage and jumps at him to attack him, however, it was this behavior that proved Jotaro's point. "That's exactly what makes you an ape and not a man. What's going to hurt your head!" He said as he shot the damned thing in the head by the button it still hand in its hand by using Star Platinum's technique, Star Finger. 

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