Chapter 60: Wedding Bells

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*Four years later*

Nineteen-year-old Hikari had never felt so nervous in her entire life. She placed a hand on her chest just above her beating heart trying to calm it down. She cast her gaze upwards staring back at herself in a mirror. Her makeup was perfectly done and her long golden-blonde hair had been beautifully arranged, tied back in an elegant bun with silk satin white ribbon and wore a sparkling silver tiara on her head.

"Knock knock!"

Hikari looked away from her image to see her mother along with Holly entering the room. "Hikari dear you look absolutely beautiful." Holly smiled.

"But of course. My daughter is the picture of her mother. A true beauty," Kagami stated as she flipped her long hair over her shoulder. But she was also trying to hold back her tears. Her baby was all grown up. Hikari gave a small giggle. "Thank you very much." She looked down at her lap nervously twisting her fingers together.

"Are you nervous dear?" Holly asked putting a hand on Hikari's shoulder.

"Yes.....but I've never been so happy either," Hikari said. Just then, Hikari's maid of honour, Nemuru clapped her hands getting their undivided attention. "Well, then you better swallow your nervousness and get moving. We have to get ready, you don't want to be late for your big day do you?" She asked as she held her baby boy in her arms.

"Right." Hikari said with a bright smile as she gave a wave to the toddler. The boy gave a cute little 'ah' before trying to reach for her hand. Kagami smiled as well, pulling out a white garment bag. "You're going to look absolutely divine my darling. After all, I was the one who designed your wedding dress."

"Less talking, more bustle." Nemuru said.

"Beautiful day for a wedding, huh?" Kakyoin says cheerfully, as he was standing beside Jotaro. Naturally, since he was his best man.

"Yeah, it's a bit chilly though." Jotaro replies and indeed there it was a bit cold but nothing too unbearable. Still they, Kagami, his mother, and grandparents worked hard to make this winter wedding be perfect.

"Any ideas on where are you going on your Honeymoon?" Kakyoin asks pleasantly.

"A lodge resort in Vermont. Hikari had always dreamt about going to one when we were in middle school and it has a great view of the mountain landscapes. That and it's private." He says.

Kakyoin nods. Well, that all sounded rather reasonable. Yes, a beautiful and quiet resort up in the mountains. Though Kakyoin tried to hold back his laughter as he thought that Jotaro probably just wanted privacy so that he could set about having a rather enjoyable Honeymoon with Hikari.

"I have to admit Hikari's mother, Ms. Holly and Mr. Joestar and his wife do have style." Kakyoin says as he and Jotaro looked at the scene before them. "Yeah..." Hundreds of white chairs with velvet red cushions had been placed throughout the Kujo residence. There was even a red carpet laid out over the floor with white rose petals spread across it. The beautiful sculptures made it seem like something out of a fairytale. Neither Jotaro and Kakyoin had also never seen so much food in their life. The altar looked like it had been made out of pure gold and there were red roses weaved into it.

"Are ready for this Jotaro?" Kakyoin whispers to his best friend.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Jotaro told him.

Dimitri was pacing back and forth in front of a set of doors. He was panicking internally, he knew this day would come but to see his little girl go was heartbreaking. Especially since she's marrying Jotaro.

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