Chapter 21: Justice part 1

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"JoJo? Honey, come with me." Hikari said as pulled the tall delinquent into a clothing store, a tailor parlour, which specialises in making fittings for individual customers. The owner looked up from the fabrics she was sorting through when she heard the door bell chime. She turned around and greeted them. "Hello, welcome! Welcome to my shop! What can I do to help you today. Hikari smiled at her and pulled out a small notebook. "Hello. I was wondering if you could make this jacket made as fast as you can for my friend, please?" 

Hikari showed the owner and the workers a drawing of Jotaro's jacket and had written down his exact measurements as to make sure they made it to his size and to not make any mistakes. A seamstress got to work quick and with expert hands made Jotaro's jacket in no time. Jotaro tried on the new jacket and it was a perfect fit. Hikari smiled brightly at him as he put on his trademark jacket, they even included the chain and everything.

"Oh my that looks quite good on you! In all my years, I've never received such a strange request for clothing! But the pleasure was mine, sir." The seamstress exclaimed. But she was quickly silenced when Jotaro held out some money to her. "Here, we've got to go. Keep the change." Once the bill was paid, Hikari said thank you to both the owner and the seamstress and the two teen left the shop, "We should hurry, JoJo or we'll gonna miss the plane!" Hikari held Jotaro's hand and they ran down the street heading to the airport.

At the airport, Joseph and the others had already bought a plane ticket for Anne to go back home to her parents. It was easier said than done, cause Anne was struggling to get out of Polnareff's grip and avoid going into the plane while Kakyoin gave her ticket to the flight attendant. "Let go! Let go of me!" Anne shouted as she kept on struggling. "And don't you dare touch me there, you jerk!" Polnareff was literally only holding her up from beneath her arms. "Hey, don't say it like that!" He shouted back.

"Here's her ticket." Kakyoin said as he handed it to the attendant. "And make sure she gets to her destination safely, please." Nemuru said to him.

"No, I don't wanna! I wanna keep going with you guys!" Anne shouted again. However, she stopped her thrashing when Joseph placed a hand on her head, making her look up at him. It was then that Joseph decided to tell Anne, more or less, the real reason as to why they were travelling, and knew that, once he did, Anne would see reason and go back for her own safety. "Listen little miss," Joseph started. "We're not vacationing here. My daughter, Jotaro's mother, is in grave danger at the moment." Anne's eyes slightly widened when she heard that. She hadn't really thought about something like that for them. Then again, how could she?

"We're on this journey to save my daughter's life. Not to put yours at risk." Joseph gave the child a smile and then said, "Forget this running away business and start heading home. I'm sure your parents are worried sick wondering where you are." Anne stopped struggling then and there, and Polnareff set her down. Anne truly didn't want to leave, but with what has been said to her, she didn't have much a say in the matter anymore. "Fine, I suppose so. I'll make you look good this time, grandpa."

Anne proceeded to go towards the plane, but she stopped and began searching the area. What..? Where was he? She thought he'd be here to see her leave. Joseph noticed this and asked her, "What's the matter?" Anne tensed up and puffed out her cheeks. "Nothing." She then jogged up the stairs and stopped at the entrance. She turned back to the Joestar group and said, "See ya! Life is just a bunch of goodbyes anyway." The flight attendant followed behind her and folded up the stairs and shut the door. Anne sat near the back as the plane began to take off. She frowned as she realised that she couldn't say goodbye to the one person she wanted to see one last time.

'I do sort of wished I could've seen him once more before I had to go.' Anne thought to herself. She then looked out the window and her eyes widened out of joy. She smiled brightly as she let out a gasp of happiness. She saw Jotaro walking beside the plane with Hikari at his side. He had made it. She was able to see him again. Even though she knew he couldn't hear her, Anne still called out to him. "Goodbye, JoJo! You better save your mom, we're all counting on you! I'll be cheering you on!" Anne smiled from her window seat in the plane. Anne then noticed Hikari's hand holding his. She pouted but she smiled brightly and waved her goodbye. "Goodbye, Hikari! It was great meeting you! You better take good care of him, you hear me!"

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