Chapter 3: Stands unleashed. The return of Dio.

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After that whole fiasco, Holly and Hikari left the station and went back home, but not before promising Jotaro they would come back for him the next day. Since Hikari was currently living alone as her father went on a business trip and her mother went to visit family members in Okinawa, she asked Holly if it would be alright if she could stay with them for a while. Holly smiled at her and offered her a place. Holly told her on the way that she'd planned on calling her father Joseph from New York for help as he had similar powers as Jotaro's. Hikari nodded, thinking that it made sense. However, with what happened in that cell, Hikari knew at that point that she couldn't hide it anymore. She felt that the evil spirit Jotaro had was almost like hers, and should've told him about hers years ago. Maybe then he wouldn't have to deal with it alone. 'I'm a horrible friend!' Hikari thought. It was time to make Soundless Voice known.

When they got back to the house, after Holly finished her call with her father explaining the situation, Hikari sat her down in the living room and confessed to her about her own spirit. Hikari told her that the spirit bounded herself to her around her first year of high school, but kept quiet about it as she was scared and had no idea what to do. She told her that she should've told at least Jotaro about it and might've had a sense of closure. Holly gave her a comforting smile and reassured her that things will turn out fine. Hikari smiled back and nodded. The next day, Holly went to the airport while Hikari went back to the police station to see Jotaro. She was planning to confess her spirit to him, but first she was going to do vaguely to see if he was going to be upset or not that she kept it from him.

Hikari walked down the hall to Jotaro's cell while she thought about the right words to say to him. Jotaro was smart, so playing dumb wasn't going to work. She could leave subtle hints here and there and then say it. Or maybe she could have Soundless Voice do something and reveal her...then again, it's been a while since that incident and she's afraid that she might hurt him. Oh, what was she  going to do? Hikari reached his cell and was surprise to find a coffee table, a couple of books about the supernatural and the occult, a electric guitar, and what looks like a motorcycle helmet on the floor. Whatever this spirit was...where does it get all these things? "What are you doing back here Hikari?" Jotaro asked, breaking her train of thought. She jumped back slightly before responding, "U-um...w-well, Mrs. Kujo and I did p-promised to come back. A-and I-I just wanted check up on you. With what happened's been a lot for us to take in. For you to take in."

"Hmph." Jotaro grunted. "Are you just here to try and get me to come home?"

"That would be a nice thought...but I understand why you would want to stay here. I would've done the same thing actually." She said.

"Yeah." He then chuckled a bit. "Though, you would've locked yourself up in your room and not in a jail cell." Hikari laughed with him. He's right, she would do that. Then her smile dropped. She took a deep breath and asked, "I-if I had an evil spirit like yours...where I felt so scared and alone...w-would you be there to help me, as I am doing now?"

Jotaro stared at her and sighed. "Of course I would, you're my friend."

"Even if...even if I had kept it a secret from you?"

"Hikari. I know you. You're a nice person, a little too nice, and you'd only keep things a secret for a good reason. If you did have a evil spirit as well but kept it from me...I'd still be there to help. I wouldn't hold it against you." He told her with full honesty. The weight was lifted of her heart and Hikari gave a thankful smile. "Jojo."

"I know you want to help me, but don't bother. Just go home and leave me here. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt." Jotaro told her as he settled down on his bed. Hikari stared at him for a few moments before she sat down near the corner of the bars, hugging her knees. 'Jotaro. You're my friend too and I will do whatever I can to help you. I won't ever abandon you.'  Hikari didn't know how long she'd been sitting there, but recalled her eyes feeling droopy. When Jotaro looked up and noticed her asleep against the bars, he sighed 'Yare Yare Daze' and had his evil spirit discreetly fetch and wrap a blanket around her. Jotaro pulled his cap over his eyes. Hikari woke up with a jolt when something slammed against the bars. She looked and found a remote control toy car. She saw even more stuff in his cell, bringing her back last thought; Where does it keep getting these things? Hikari noticed the blanket wrapped around her. 'Huh? Where'd this come from?'  She stood up and noticed one of the officers from yesterday cowering on the other side of room. "It's getting spookier. He's got more stuff in his cell now, and he's violent. If something is possessing him, it's definitely not something nice. If word of this gets out to my superiors, I'll lose my job in a heartbeat for sure."

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