Chapter 22: Justice part 2

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"Huh? What do you mean?" Hikari asked her. Something going on? Hikari didn't what she was getting at. In all their years of being the best of friends, Hikari was confident that nothing bad was going between them. Nemuru crossed her arms and asked her, "How long have the two of you been friends?"

"We've been best friends since we were kids. We were in grade school and we've been together for the past seven years." Hikari told her.

"Seven years?" Nemuru asked, surprised. Then again she shouldn't be, it only makes sense that they be together for that long for Hikari to be so attached to him. The girl happily nodded. Nemuru shook her head and continued on. "'ve been together for seven years...and has anything happen?"


"I mean, as you guys were getting older, have either of you looked at each other differently?" Nemuru asked. Hikari thought about it and she smiled with a blush. This caught Nemuru's attention as she leaned forward. "I did began to see him in a different light." She started. "Yeah..?" Nemuru urge as she leaned in closer. Hikari brought her hands to her cheeks as she smiled.

"We were in middle school, and we were just about to enter in high school." Nemuru leaned in more. "And I began seeing JoJo as a cool, strong, amazing person. He acts so tough and assertive, yet he still held his gentle heart. He's so cool that I've decided to view him as my idol! My goal to be just like him, he's the greatest friend ever!" Hikari said as she began to giggle as she got excited just talking about him. Nemuru fell over, anime style. That was not what she was expecting. "Are you okay?" Hikari asked Nemuru when she saw her fall. The dark-purple haired girl got back up on her feet and said, "I'm fine. So what about him then?"


"Well, did he ever say anything about you or see him look at you differently?" Nemuru asked, praying that Hikari wasn't this oblivious. Hikari went into deep thought and tried to remember if Jotaro did appear to act differently towards her, but couldn't think of any. "Well... he did call me a little bunny back in middle school, I was wearing a big, white bow on my head that day." She told her. Nemuru raised an eyebrow at her. 'That's... weirdly cute of him.' Nemuru thought. "Anything else..?"


"So there's nothing going on?!"


'Than what the hell was that all about!?' Nemuru shouted in thought. Why did Jotaro stand so close behind her at the check-in desk like that if nothing was-?! Wait... Is it possible that because they've been together for so long they don't even realise it? Nemuru went into deep thinking before sitting beside Hikari and asked, "Tell me, after all these years, have you ever started to like him."

"What? How could you ask me that? I've always liked JoJo, he's very dear to me." Hikari said to her, feeling defensive. Why would she even say that? Hikari loved Jotaro more than anything else in the world. He's always been by her side and been a true friend to her. How could she not like him? "I'm talking about that kind of like." Nemuru said to her. Okay, what? Hikari tilted her hand in confusion. "I'm talking about a more different kind of like. The kind that makes your heart pound. Feel happy all over. And you can't think of your life without the one special person."

"What do you mean?" Hikari asked her curiously. "I mean, have you ever had a crush on him? A short, love-filled crush?" At that, Hikari's face turned beet red and waved her hands arounds. "Ah! No, no, no! It's nothing like that, we're just friends." She quickly said, clearly embarrassed. "Okay..." Nemuru then gave a a teasing smile. "Then what about him? Has he ever confessed that he had a crush on you?"

"I highly doubt that he would." What? "I don't think JoJo could really have those kinds of feelings for me. I mean, look at me." Hikari said as she gestured to herself. "I'm not exactly pretty. I don't have that much talents. There's really nothing special about me. And I'm not JoJo's type." His type? That guy has a type?! Seriously? "His type?" Nemuru asked. Hikari nodded. "Mmm-hmm. His likes traditional Japanese girls, and I'm Italian-Japanese, so I don't fit in that category."

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