Chapter 59: The End of a Journey. The Start of a New

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Jotaro quickly returned to where he had to leave Hikari. When he arrived on the scene police cars had already surrounded the place and Hikari was being placed on a gurney getting ready to be loaded into an ambulance. The side of the emergency vehicle read SpeedWagon on it. Jotaro easily pushed his way to through the crowd and the officers reaching Hikari as she was being wheeled into the Speedwagon ambulance.

Jotaro looked down at his sweet angel and tenderly brushed away her bangs. An oxygen mask had been placed over her mouth, and she gave slow yet steady breaths. She looked worse for wear, the blood had been wiped off her and the paramedics had already given her pain medication putting an IV in her arm. Hikari hadn't noticed Jotaro was next to her until he placed a gentle hand on her cheek. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she spotted Jotaro.

"J-J-JoJo...." She weakly cried. "You're here..." Jotaro gave Hikari a small smile just as relieved as she was. Hikari was put in the ambulance and Jotaro got in too. The remains of Dio's body was loaded up along with Joseph's body.

As it turned out, Avdol had gotten in contact with the Speedwagon Foundation and gave the Speed Wagon men the location of her and the others the second he and Iggy found her. The men had already gotten to Polnareff and his body was already being rushed to the nearest hospital. However, Nemuru practically demanded that she stayed by Kakyoin's side. She smiled in relief as she pressed his hand against her cheek. She was so terrified that she was going to lose him, but here he was smiling at her. Nemuru thanked God with all of her being for the miracle she was given. The love of her life was able to hold just long enough for the Speedwagon Foundation to get him and both are getting an airlifted back home for Kakyoin to get intensive treatment.

"This is Speedwagon Foundation car 2. We're travelling northbound on the Ouniel expressway and we retrieved Dio's remains. I repeat; We've retrieved Dio's remains." The driver of the ambulance said to dispatch.

"Dio's body is showing cellular activity. He must be exposed to sunlight immediately. Proceed with extreme caution." Dispatch told him.


Hikari's hand was being held by Jotaro as they both looked at Joseph's shrivelled body. Hikari had been confused just like the Speedwagon men, as to why Jotaro wanted to bring Joseph's body into the ambulance. She was also unsettled laying down so close to Dio's body.

"J-JoJo? Sweet pea....why did you bring M-Mr. Joestar's...and Dio's body in the same car?" Hikari asked.

"Because it's not over yet. Dio borrowed something from us and we need to take it back from the bastard." Jotaro proclaimed. A doctor that was keeping a close watchful eye over Dio's body looked at Jotaro confused. "I'm not following your train of thought."

"I need you to perform a blood transfusion between the two bodies." Jotaro said. Shocking the two doctors. They gasped at Jotaro's words.

"That's absurd! You want us to transfused Dio's blood into Mr. Joestar?"

"I see, you're trying to bring him back to life."

"It hasn't been all that long since Dio drained his blood. His upper was destroyed in the fight, but we'll take as much as we can. If we hurry, I think we can make it." Jotaro said. Hikari pondered Jotaro's words. It could be possible, it depends on how much oxygen Mr. Joestar's brain was not getting. But the way Dio extracted Joseph's blood it might have actually preserved Joseph's brain. So even though his brain hadn't been getting any oxygen the preservation aspects mean Joseph could still be saved.

"JoJo's right." Hikari stated. The doctors gasp, looking at the sapphire-eyed girl. "As long as Mr. Joestars b-brain is preserved and y-you can find a way to r-restart his heart."

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