Chapter 27: The Sun part 2

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"Get down!" Hikari, while stumbling, stood up and called out Soundless Voice. She immediately put up a shield over them as the blasts made contact with it. With each hit, Hikari was feeling herself growing weaker, as if they were hitting her head on. Unfortunately, a camel was caught in the crossfire and was shot down, along with a tank of their water. "Arugh! You bastard!" Polnareff shouted as he brought out Silver Chariot and helped in deflecting the attack. Jotaro quickly summoned Star Platinum and shouted, "I'm gonna bust a hole in the ground! Everyone get in now!"

Star Platinum struck the ground creating a giant hole and everyone divide in. It was still hot but at least they got a little more shade inside of the makeshift cave. Hikari felt so weak and lightheaded, she felt like going to sleep. But her sapphire eyes glanced over to Kakyoin and saw that he was bleeding. No...she can't rest while he was still hurt. "Ka...Kakyoin.." Hikari rasped out as she brought Soundless Voice and healed him before she fell back and passed out in Jotaro's arms. "Hikari!" Jotaro and the others called out. The tall delinquent check her out and pressed his fingers on her neck, he sighed in relief. "She's unconscious, but I think she's okay." Jotaro tells them.

The others nodded and the older man glanced over to the dark red-haired teen. "You okay Kakyoin?" Joseph asked him. "Yes I am. I was in the middle of initiating my Emerald Splash, so that protected me from any major damage." Kakyoin said. Nemuru looked outside the cave. With the little shade it provided, it help her feel a bit better and she said, "I'm glad you're alright, but what's more concerning is this Godforsaken heat. I feel like it's gonna drive me insane!"

"Did any of you noticed that attack was perfectly aimed at us? ...and that could only mean that the enemy has been watching us! But from where?! Where is he?!" Polnareff shouted. He can't take this anymore! Where the hell is the enemy hiding? Joseph turned to Polnareff and said, "Polnareff, keep your voice down. If you keep shouting the enemy will find us. Just lay low for now."

"You're....j-joking..right?" Nemuru asked him, way too out of it to properly be incredulous of Joseph's plan. "We'll sit tight for a while and see what happens next." Joseph said as he brought out a flask of water but when he held it up to opened it, he saw a large hole in it. Most likely due to the attack from earlier. "Oh shit!" He threw the container into the desert's sand since it was useless now.

Minutes passed by and everyone was now breathing heavily the heat taking a toll on them. They were mere seconds away from going insane. Joseph looked back at his team in concern and thought to himself. 'Things can't go on like this. Come on, think, damn it! It's time for this old timer to take the bull by the horns. But this isn't the most ideal spot. I can't even use my best technique, it's crucial that I get more information!' Joseph turned to Jotaro and asked him for him to hand him the binoculars.

When he did, Joseph used them to try and take a peek from out of the cave to see if he could find anything to indicate to find where the user was hiding, but the moment he stuck out the binoculars, the sun-like Stand quickly destroyed them in Joseph's hands. "Agh! Son of a...bitch! Where the hell are you?! How are you watching us? Are you invisible or something?! Show yourself, you coward! Damn!" Joseph yelled as he slammed his fits onto the sand.

Minutes ticked by and it only got hotter. Though it was minutes, but to the Crusaders, it felt like hours. It felt like ours in hell! Nemuru felt her face and it felt like it was on fire. 'Damn it all...this can't be real...!' Nemuru thought as she tried to stay conscious. At this rate, our group of heroes will be cooked alive.

The heat was really getting to them as their vision was stating to go hazy and reality seemed to warp out of control. Everything was spinning... Too hot... Too hot.... What is this..? Why is this happening?! Where the hell was the Stand user!?!? Suddenly a small laughter was heard. Joseph turned around and saw that Kakyoin pointing and laughing. "Hey Kakyoin. What's the matter?" Joseph asked. Kakyoin's laughter got louder and more hysterical freaking out Joseph. "Kakyoin! What the hell are you laughing about? Hey, snap out of it already! Control yourself man!" Joseph shouted at him.

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