Chapter 7: The Tower of Gray and Silver Chariot

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It was quiet. Silent. Not a sound could be heard aside for the plane's engine. Joseph had warned his team that a new Stand user might be on this plane, ready to attacking them when they least expected. They all remained silent and still. Everyone else's on the plane was already in a deep sleep. Waiting for their enemy to make their move. That's when they could hear it. It was faint, but it was there. A slight buzzing. Buzzing. From either a fly or a bee. The group searched around. Trying to locate the source of the sound. Jotaro found it. It was some kind of large beetle, but he couldn't tell what it was at first. Jotaro got up from his seat to try and get a better look. "A rhino beetle? No, it's a stag beetle."

"Hey, Avdol. Is that a Stand? Are encountering another Stand user?"

"It's possible. This could be a Stand that takes the shape if an insect." Avdol replied. Before they could even blink, the beetle had vanished in a flash with the seats of the others passengers. Joseph got up and was confused how, even for an insect, could move so quickly. "What the-? It hide in the shadows of the seats."

"Damn, it could be anywhere." Avdol said.

Hikari was uneasy. She really didn't expect to encounter the enemy so soon. What's more chilling is that they chose to attack them on a plane of innocent people. Are they willing to go that far? Just to get to them? Jotaro stepped onto the isle and tried to find the damn bug. But considering on how dark is was, it was going to be difficult. They could still hear the buzzing sound swirling around them. They can't seemed to pinpoint its location. That's when Kakyoin looked at the corner of his eye and he saw the beetle only inches from Jotaro. "JoJo! It's next to your head, look to your right!" He shouted to warn him.

Jotaro turned and the others discovered that the beetle was much more larger than a normal insect. It was about the size of a human's head. As far as insects go, none are even remotely that large. "Whoa, it's so huge! That thing has to be a Stand! No doubt, it's here for us." Kakyoin said. The bug-like Stand started foaming at the mouth. It's sickly yellow saliva dripped on to the floor as it opened up to reveal its mouth-like stinger. Stand or not, the thing was repulsive. "That's disgusting." Jotaro said.

Hikari eyed the bug-like Stand's wings. Considering how quick it went to disappear like that, must mean it prefers speed over any physical strength. Maybe she could use Soundless Voice to trap it somehow. "It was pretty fast, maybe I can-." Hikari said as she was about to get up from her seat. Jotaro placed a hand on her shoulder and kept her in place. "Just sit tight, I'll take care of it."

"Are you sure, JoJo?" Hikari asked, very concern.

"Be extremely careful. I've heard there is a user of an insect Stand that likes to rip out the tongues of its victims before they die." Avdol explained. The delinquent summoned out Star Platinum in all its glory. It was more than ready to follow it master's orders. "Star Platinum!" With it's own speed, Star Platinum rushed forward to grab and crush the filthy bug to bits in its hand. But in a flash, the beetle disappeared before it can even touch the thing. The team were shocked by its speed. It was a whole lot faster than Star Platinum itself. "It dodged you. I...I can't believe it, it's faster than Star Platinum, a Stand that has the speed and precision to catch a speeding bullet." Avdol said.

"Then there's no doubt about it, that bug can only be Stand. Where is he, where is he hiding? Where is the one who's controlling it, we need to find him!" Shouted Kakyoin.

"But there's so many people here, they could be anyone on this flight." Hikari told him. This is really an inconvenience for them. So far above the ground, practically trap in a plane with a user and they had no idea who it could be. The Stand opened its mouth wider, keeping its beady little eyes locked on its targets. Kakyoin pushed Hikari behind him as he yelled, "It's getting ready to attack!" The beetle shot out its sharp stinger at Jotaro. Star Platinum tried to block it but it went through its hand, it was going to rip out its tongue. "No, damn it!" Jotaro yelled. Its stinger shot into his Stand's mouth. Blood trickled down his chin. Did it get him!? "Jotaro!" They yelled. Fortunately, it didn't get his tongue. He barely managed to catch the damn thing between his teeth. If he even missed for a second, he was sure he'd be dead. 

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