Chapter 26: The Sun part 1

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If they ever had to wonder what Hell felt like....this would be it. It was scorching hot, their water dried up, the binoculars were destroyed, they hid under a makeshift cave...AND THEY HAD NO IDEA WHERE THE HELL THE ENEMY WAS!!! They were stuck in the middle of the freakin' desert and the heat kept on rising by the second. Any longer and they were sure they'll go insane. To make matters worse, Nemuru was in pretty bad condition as the heat was causing her to go in and out of slipping into a coma. Hikari had lost since passed out and Kakyoin was bleeding from his head.

"How could this have happened..? Can't believe...we totally fell for it." Joseph said as the sun hovered directly above them. did they get here? Why were they in this predicament? Well, let's rewind time a bit shall we and find out how exactly they found themselves trapped beneath the sun.

It all started on the morning where Hikari was beginning to wake up.

The sun's gentle rays touched her eyes and drew her out from her dreamy state. She looked out the window...then up to the ceiling. Huh..? That's weird..? How did she get here? Was she in her room didn't have windows. And...and what was that incredible warm heat source next to her and what was holding her? She turned her head and her eyes landed on the sleeping face of Jotaro.

Heavily startled, Hikari let out a frightful gasp and bolted right out of his arms. ...Well, she would've, but Jotaro had kept an iron grip on her. Hikari tried to calm herself down as she tried to remember what happened last night, terrified of what might had happened. All of her memories came back her and she harshly scolded herself. How could she ever consider that JoJo would dare to something as Dan had told her? She shouldn't listen to anything he said! 'JoJo's nothing like him! He's a big, sweet-hearted teddy bear and he'd never hurt me like that!'

Finally having relaxed, Hikari just laid there and waited for Jotaro to wake up. In the meantime, she was actually getting comfortable laying like this, it reminded her on the days where they slept side-by-side as children. The thought of it made her smile. Shortly after, Jotaro woke up and found Hikari smiling kindly at him. "Good morning, JoJo." She said. Before Jotaro could say anything, he quickly realised their position and quickly bolted from the bed.

Oh crap, what was he thinking?! She was in a fragile state last night and he had her share a bed with him like some creep?! What did Hikari thought of him now? "Hikari," Jotaro began. The sapphire-eyed girl saw the guilty look in his eyes and sat on her knees. Waving her hands frantically as she said, "No, no! It's okay sweetie. I'm fine." She gave a gentle smile and folded her hands on her lap. "I'm fine...because it's you. If it had been anyone else, I would've been scared. But I'm not, and it's because it's you. I trust you, JoJo."

That sent a jolt through Jotaro's heart. He felt relieved, he was happy that Hikari was still able to trust him. He gave her a small smile. He meant what he said last night. He was NEVER going to let anyone hurt her while he was around. Jotaro swore on his life that he would protect his angel. Jotaro opened his mouth to say something else when a knock came through the door. ....Well it was actually loud banging through the door and Nemuru could easily be heard. She sounded worried. "Jotaro! Open the door, damn it! Hikari's gone!"

Hearing Nemuru's shouts, Hikari got out from the bed and went to go open, all while Jotaro trying to tell her not to as he knew this will lead to annoying headache. "Nemuru, it's alright. I didn't go anywhere." Hikari told her gently as she tried to calm her down. "I'm so sorry I worried you. JoJo had came to talk to me last night and after a while I got sleepy. Then JoJo carried me to his room and we both slept together." She said. The dark-purple haired girl was left shellshocked at her discovery. Hikari was here. In Jotaro's room. Alone. And there was one bed in his room. Nemuru went from worry to shock to pissed off in a matter of seconds. "You bastard!" She shouted at Jotaro. Whom the latter groaned in annoyance.

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