Chapter 47: Hol Horse and Mondatta, part 1

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One day. It would be one day before our heroes will be able to reach Cairo and ultimately find where Dio's hiding. Hol Horse, with extreme caution, enters DIO's mansion and carefully walks in the darkness. "Shit, it's dark in here, can't see a damn thing. Where the hell is that bastard anyway?" Hol Horse says to himself before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his lighter. Igniting it so it could light up the place. He grumbles in annoyance as he looked around the still darkened mansion.

"It's the middle of the day and I still have to feel my way around this hovel. This had better be worth it." He says as he lit his cigarette. "Okay... If I remember correctly I'll find Dio over in that room." Hol Horse started to walk through the endless void of darkness when his foot had hit something. He looked down and was shocked when he stumbled upon three drained corpses of young women. "Disgusting..! This little lady must be one of Dio's leftovers. Damned broads just throw themselves at the guy, like having their blood drained in the lastest bedroom craze. The whole thing's nutty if you asked me. Though girls do tend to go for the bad boys. Well...except for one."

Hol Horse didn't know too much about it. But from what he had learned on his own was that these kinds of women were the kind Dio hated. There was one woman, ONE, in this entire world, or maybe even in a lifetime, that Dio desired more than anything else. He even had multiple paintings of her which he had created himself. A gorgeous young woman with vibrant red hair and piercing emerald eyes, often wearing a black dress. What disturbed Hol Horse was that he had once witnessed Dio using his own blood to paint her hair and he quickly realised just how much the Vampire was obsessed with her. His "darling, precious rose" as he puts it.

"But forget about that, I've never seen such gold in my life. How'd he get all this?" Hol Horse asked himself as his eyes gazed over the mountains of gold and treasures laid around the mansion. "Seems like this guy can have and do just about anything." He said as he continued his way, flicking his lighter off when he reaches the next room, careful not to touch the hundreds of spiderwebs that littered the room. It is only when Hol Horse reaches the library that he suddenly hears Dio's voice.

"Hol Horse... What is it?" He asked. The cowboy frantically looked around, trying to find where exactly the voice was coming from. Only for him to freeze in fear when he spotted Dio just above him, lazily searching for a book up on the higher shelves. "It's... Master...Dio..." Fear quickly stirred itself within Hol Horse's soul. He gripped his heart as he breathed heavily. Dio silently floats down to ground level, not sparing a glance at the man behind him as he searches for a good read.

'Son of bitch..! What is this..?! Just looking at him is enough to send chills down my spine. Keep it together Hol Horse, don't let him spook ya! He's nothing to lose your cool over. Yeah, he's not even that much stronger than you.' Hol Horse told himself.

"I'll ask you again, did you want something, Hol Horse?" Dio asked him. He may have sounded calm, but one can feel the impatience in his tone. Knowing he has to answer quickly, Hol Horse nervously makes his report about Mariah, Carrie, Alessi, and Ramses's defeat at the hands of the Crusaders.

"Uh, well, yes actually. There's something I thought you want to know. I've received intel that two of the nine great Gods, Mariah and Alessi, as well as Carrie and Ramses, have been put out of commission." He said.

"And your point is?" Dio asks as he blew off some dust of a book. Uninterested by the report.

"Well...! There's more. We've got trouble coming. Turns out Joestar and his gang will arrive in Cairo tomorrow and only three of the nine Gods are left." Hol Horse tells him. "It seems you've misunderstood my questioned. I want to know what you're going to do, Hol Horse." Dio says as he turns around to face him. Hol Horse slightly panicked as he took a step back away from him.

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