Chapter 18: Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 3

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"You know, I was so sure that I stabbed him with my sword." Polnareff began to say once his wounds at healed up. "But my strike never hit him. It was like he wasn't there." He almost flinched when he spotted the jeep's rearview mirror. He gripped it tight in his hand and tore it off. "Even breaking the mirror into pieces didn't stop him. The Hang Man just attacked from the shards, how in the hell am I supposed to fight against that?" He asked. His head was beginning to hurt he struggled to figure out how and why.

"He attacks your reflection, but his knife sinks into your real flesh and my Stand can't go inside mirrors. Are we supposed to attack him if he's inside some kind of mirror world? Damn it!" Polnareff yelled at he tossed the mirror out the window.

"Stupid." Nemuru told him. The Frenchman was about to retort something back at her when Kakyoin stepped in. "What Nemuru was trying to say is that you keep talking about "inside the mirror" and "the mirror world". But there's no such thing as a world within the mirror. Remember, this is reality. Not fantasy." He said.

Polnareff just stared at the two like they were crazy and continued on to try and convince them. "What are you talking about? You saw it too, didn't you? You could only see him in a mirror and when you turn around, he's gone."

"Yes. But anything you see in a mirror is just a reflection created by light." Kakyoin said.

"I'm not an idiot, you don't have to tell me that!" Polnareff shouted. Nemuru struggled, and failed, to hold in a laugh. "Pfft, hahaha! That's up for debate, Polnareff." She laughed. Polnareff growled at her. "Oh, shut up! Listen, I mean this case. I'm talking about what's going on now. If Stands can exist in this world, there could be a mirror world too."

"There isn't." Kakyoin said. "Come on, man!" Polnareff cried out. Hikari looked back and forth between them, going on and one about what exists and what doesn't. None of this is going anywhere. Hikari then softly spoke out. "Um... M-maybe, Hang Man just wants us to believe there's a mirror world... And that he's just trying to hide his real weakness?"

Nemuru gave Hikari a smirk. "How about that? Hikari is able to use her brain unlike a certain someone with stupid hair." She said as she took a glance at the silver-haired man. "Do you just live to piss me off at any given moment?!"

"Please, stop fighting you two." Hikari begged them

"I think that fact is what's going to help us solve the mystery of Hang Man. Look, Stands are able to destroy other Stands, so there's still has to be something we don't know about his-." Kakyoin cut himself off when he thought he saw something flicker under him. Kakyoin looks down at the steering wheel where he looks at the shiny metal part of it. At first, he didn't see anything and thought that maybe he had just imagined it. But then one sweep of light and Kakyoin's eyes widen in shock when saw Hanged Man inside the steering wheel. From the reflection he was climbing into the jeep from the back and headed straight for the girls. He then brought out his knives and lunged at them!

Kakyoin gasped as he snapped his attention to the back but saw no one but the girls, who were looking at him in confusion. Kakyoin looks back the steering wheel and saw Hang Man's face. "You guys! The chrome of the starring wheel, the bastard's caught up to us! Hikari put a shield around us, now!" Kakyoin yelled. Hang Man then smashed through the window on the back of the jeep, and the group tried to avoid the glass. Kakyoin saw that he had brought out his knife again and he hits the brakes to avoid the Stand. The jeeps was going way too fast to do a simple stop and they ended up swerving out of control. They drove over a small hill and the jeep rolled over, the girls let out a scream as they were thrown in the air. Kakyoin and Polnareff braced themselves as the jeep crashed, the jeep landing upside down. 

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