Chapter 10: Dark Blue Moon and Shadow Mist

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Jotaro hit the ocean floor with a thud that caused him to lose most of the oxygen he'd already had left. He quickly called forth his Star Platinum as he noticed the imposter Dragon was hovered above him with his Dark Blue Moon, sitting with his arms and legs crossed. He was just within his reach, and Star Platinum threw a quick punch, despite his arm being covered in barnacles. However, Dark Blue Moon launch a powerful burst of water that made him slam against the underwater rocks. "Welcome landlubber." Imposter Dragon laughed. "Glad you can join me in the watery depths. It's where Dark Blue Moon reign supreme, the undersea realm." Jotaro glared at him as the imposter licked the blood of his wounds. "Bad idea to underestimate me brother. Could be deadly. Since we can talk underwater through our Stands, how about you pop out another one of those cocky one liners before you die?" He taunted. What's the matter, catfish got your tongue, brother?"

"So, what you like after I'm done with you?" Jotaro asked, his voice was through Star Platinum.


"It would be a shame to waste such fresh fish. Fish paste? Maybe a plate of sashimi. I'll make one hell of a meal out of your Stand." Jotaro told him.

"Don't play games with me." Imposter Dragon said as he tapped his head, with his undersea Stand mimicking his movements. "You're trying to sound tough, but I know the truth, boy. The real terror of all this is starting to sink into your thick skull. I can even tell what you're thinking, "How long can he stay underwater? I can probably last about two minutes, but can he last longer than me?". Am I right, brother?" Imposter Dragon said as he continue to boast about his own power and taunt Jotaro. The green-eyed delinquent didn't answer him. He didn't need too as he answered on his own. "Let me answer you, my lung capacity is three times that of a normal humans!"

Jotaro was visibly shocked. Three times stronger? Is that even possible for someone to accomplish? Imposter Dragon grinned at his expression and told him as the ship passed them by overhead, "See, for years I've been training. Six minutes and twelve seconds is my best submerge time. You must be dizzy just hearing that number right, brother?" Dark Blue Moon swam in incredible speed towards the boat and swung its arm against the ship's propeller. But it didn't sliced its arm off as one might think. No, instead the propeller was beginning to break and weaken against it. "Dark Blue Moon's fins are cutters that move faster than a ship's propeller, far shaper too!" Dark Blue Moon moved away and showed that the propeller was now mangled and moving at a much slower pace than before. "Before you get overconfident again, you might want to take a good, hard look at your Stand. Seems Dark Blue Moon's barnacles have taken a liking to absorbing your Stand's power." He was right. The damn things were now spreading across Star Platinum's body and halfway down his legs. He can't stay here. He's got to get back up to the surface. Before he landed at the bottom, he had sensed something amiss going on in the boat. "How does it feel to have your life energy slowly draining away from your body." Imposter Dragon said.

Meanwhile back on the ship, the guys were trying to figure out a way to save Hikari from whatever prison Nemuru created. They knew her Stand was activated but they didn't know what kind of Stand it was. They cannot take any chances. Nemuru spread an evil smirk. She raised her hand in the air and immediately they were each put into a headlock. They were slowly being lifted up in the air and hang up by their necks. "Wha...what's going on?!" Polnareff said as the air was being cut off from his lungs. "I don't know...can't breath!" Kakyoin cough out. He tried to look behind him to see what it was that was attacking them. His eyes widen at what he saw. It was...himself? However, his clone was completely pitch black, but he could still make out his white eyes. No iris, no pupil, just solid white eyes.

"Hahaha...look at yourselves, you're all so helpless." Nemuru chuckled at them. She then pointed to Kakyoin and said, "I think I'll start with you first." Nemuru had his clones slam him against the hard wooden floors, and proceeded to toss him around like a rag doll across the ship. Kakyoin crashed into the railings, the floors, the stairs, the beams, anywhere that Nemuru believed would cause some damage. She had him crash into the other three, knocking them off their feet. Kakyoin slammed against the railing again as his shadowy clone gripped his neck. Kakyoin tried to pry its grip off of him, but when he tried, it only matched his own strength. " this thing?" He asked himself. His clone gripped his neck tighter and used its free hand to beat him relentlessly. It made it much more painful as it protruded small, but sharp spikes on its knuckles. Polnareff got to his feet and charged towards her.

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