Chapter 42: A Soundless Voice Cries Out! Part 1

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Avdol and Joseph were perplexed as they saw the battered teens return to the hotel, they were even more surprised when they saw the looks on the teen's faces. Polnareff was smirking and snickering, Hikari's face was as red as an apple, and Jotaro had a small smirk on his face. What could have happened to have made them looks this way?

"What happened to you all?" Joseph asked

"Well...uhmm...." Hikari stuttered and looked away, deeply embarrassed. Polnareff started laughing again and beckoned Joseph over to him. Once Joseph got close enough Polnareff whispered something in his ear. Joseph gaped at the news and quickly snapped his head to his grandson and Hikari. "Oh my God!"

The redness from Hikari's face started to spread to the rest of her skin. Joseph walked over to his grandson with a smile, and he clasped a hand on his shoulder giving him a thumbs up. "Great job! Now when's the wedding? I want great-grandchildren as soon as possible." With that joke being said, Hikari's face exploded and went into a frenzy.

"What?! O-oh no! I d-don't know what to say to that! Why would say that?! I mean, I love JoJo so much, but w-w-we've just started to become o-o-official, but I'm not mentally prepared for something like that! I'm so happy that we're together, b-b-but the thought of actually getting m-m-married to him and having babies...!! Oh dear, what should I say?! Will I make this weird!? I have to say something!  I have to say something, right?! But can I!?" Hikari soon spouts out incoherent rambling before it became too much for her as she immediately passes out easily being caught by Jotaro.

"Good grief." Jotaro said.

By the time Hikari had woken up the sun was setting. She was outside with the others watching the beautiful sight of the sunset. She smiled as she saw Iggy enjoying the sunset too.


Polnareff had whacked Iggy on the head. "Stupid mutt. What are you staring at? There's nothing to eat over there, fleabag." Polnareff said. Iggy growled and turned around jumping on Polnareff's face before farting. "Why you stinking little-!! What the hell have you been eating?!" Polnareff cried. "Come on, Polnareff..." Joseph sighed staring at the two.

"Hikari get him off," Polnareff said. Hikari was about to go and help him, but an arm reached and grabbed her. Pulling her down and pressed against a muscular chest. Hikari gave him an apologetic look as she glances between him and a certain delinquent. "I-I'm sorry. I would love to help...but I'm a little stuck at the moment." She says with a blush, gesturing behind her, Jotaro's arm was wrapped firmly around her waist. "H-Hikari!" Polnareff said. The girl could only give bow in apology and a small promise to make it up to him later.

"To think, all of that happened without us." Avdol said. "You fought with the Anubis Stand. That must've rough you two." Joseph said.

"Yeah, it was." Jotaro told them as they glanced back at the pitiful Frenchman. "That's the last time I ever go anywhere with him." He said. The other two men nodding in agreement. "Stop it already you stupid mutt! Get the hell off my face!!"

After the rather eventful day from yesterday, the group had made their way to Luxor in southern Egypt. To the ancient Egyptians however, it was the sight of thieves. And it is in this location, on the west bank of the Nile, that the pharaohs of old were laid to rest. It is known as the Valley of the Kings. "Have you heard of the tomb of the great King Tutankhamun? It lies here in the Valley of the Kings." Avdol pointed out in the horizon. "Wow, this place is chockfull of history." Polnareff whistled gazing at the scene before them.

"If what I heard is true, some of the residents of this area still dig beneath their houses in search of treasure without permission from the government." Avdol told them. "Really? Oh my, don't they know they'll get in trouble if they're found out?" Hikari asked, out of concern for those who search for gold and riches without the government's approval. "Think those ancient guys left behind any undiscovered treasure?" Polnareff pondered.

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