Chapter 58: DIO's World, Part 4

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Hikari struggled to get Polnareff and Nemuru to a safe place. Soundless Voice was strong but it was a Stand build for healing and protecting, not for strength. She was trying her best to hold back her fear, especially if Dio decided to pursue her and her friends. That smokescreen from her attack should give them a short time to hide but once it dissipates, he'd be able to track down the two, especially with her friends bleeding like they were. If that was the case then Hikari needed to quickly heal them and put them in a safe hiding spot.

Locating a small park area Hikari placed Polnareff and Nemuru to rest underneath a tall tree. She leaned them against the tree and put her healing abilities to the max. Using all the power she had to, not only to stop their bleeding but to also try to heal the internal damages they no doubt had. Hikari wasn't sure how much she could do about that, but she knew that Polnareff and Nemuru would need a hospital soon.

After exhausting her power, Hikari nearly fell over and began to pant. No, not yet. She wasn't done. Hikari brought out Soundless Voice and created a shield to place them inside to best protect them and help mask their scent. Hikari prayed that this would be good enough until they got rid of Dio.

Dio glared staring at Jotaro's body. His hand had twitched putting Dio on edge. Luckily Jotaro's plan worked and Dio's attention was solely vested on him meaning that he wasn't going to go after Hikari. Now all he had to do was play dead well enough to get the drop on Dio.

"Damn you Jotaro... Was he alive all along, at the very least he seems to be coming to." The sound of guns cocking was heard behind Dio and two officers stood behind the tall Vampire pointing their guns at Dio's head. "Hold it! This is the police!" "You try anything funny and we will shoot! Slowly put your hands in the air!"

Dio simply smirked amused by the men thinking that they had any chance against him. Dio disappeared then reappeared behind the officers. He punched one away then grabbed the second one by the neck sinking his fingers deep into the man's flesh. "Ah, what impeccable timing." Dio said as he held the officer up pointing at Jotaro. "If you wouldn't mind, there's somebody I'd like for you to shoot. Do you see that man lying on the ground? Shoot his leg or torso." The man struggled as his hand slowly lifted, Dio controlled the officer like a puppet.

"That's right. Line up the shot and let the bullet fly." The gun fired hitting Jotaro in the side of his torso, but his body did not move. Dio dropped the officer letting him fall limply to the ground. "I thought I heard Jotaro make a sound a moment ago, but I guess my mind was playing tricks on me." Dio said.

Star Platinum was truly an amazing Stand having caught the bullet just as it pierced Jotaro's jacket, making it appear that he had been shot. 'Could he be anymore demented? He's at least lost interest in my angel, but now that his attention back on me, he's even more suspicious. He's not gonna rest until he's sure I'm dead. Things just got a lot harder.' Dio continued to study Jotaro's body from afar. "I know, why don't we check his breathing?" Dio strained his ears to hear the faintest sound of Jotaro's breathing but heard nothing. "No luck. He's not breathing." The fact that Jotaro wasn't breathing didn't seem to satisfy Dio.

"But there's no way to hide his heartbeat." He pressed his ear against the ground. Jotaro did the only thing he could and used Star Platinum to grab his heart to stop it from beating. He struggled to hold on as Dio listened for his heartbeat. 'Shit, this hurts! If I blackout, everything we been through will have been for nothing! Dying because I used my own Stand to stop my heart. It'd be ironic, in a morbid kind of way.' After 5 more agonizing seconds, Dio finally lifted his head off the ground.

"And sure enough there's no heartbeat. What do you know, I suppose the thought of him being alive was just figment of my imagination." Dio says as he walked over and picked up the fallen street sign for the third time. "Though stranger things have happened, so I should still probably lop off his head to be sure. That's not a problem is it?" Star Platinum re-grabbed Jotaro's heart shaking it to restart the organ. Blood started to quickly pump through Jotaro's veins. Dio swung the stop sign down and it crashed right onto Jotaro's head!

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