Chapter 28: Death Thirteen part 1

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Kakyoin was just having a great sleep, and he tried to continue with favourable nightly routine, but he found it hard to sleep when the cries of a baby kept on ringing loud in his ear constantly. "That piercing noise..." Kakyoin mumbled in his sleep. 

Knowing he wasn't going to get through the rest of the night with that baby crying, Kakyoin awoken from his slumber, sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. And was taken aback by the location of where he woke up. There was, in his light purple striped pyjamas, resting in the top seat of a ferris wheel cart in a deserted amusement park. Okay...what?

"What is this place? An amusement park? I've never been here before." Kakyoin said. He looked down and saw that he was still wearing his pyjamas. "Wha... Why in the world am I riding on the ferris wheel in my pyjamas? How'd I get here?" Kakyoin asked himself as he tried to recollect the last thing he remembered. "The desert. I remembered being in the desert riding through the Saudi Arabia on camel back...but where are the others. Did they abandon me?"

Before Kakyoin could try to rationalise the situation he was in, he suddenly heard a small child's cry and turned around. Sitting across from him, seated the corner, was a little girl who looked no older than twelve. She wore a white sweater with her hood up over her head. The hood had a rather cute bear-like image, bear ears and facial features. She also wore a black knee-length skirt, black knee socks and dark brown boots. She even held a white teddybear and was hugging it for dear life.

"Mommy... Daddy... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry..! Please, please come back home. I miss you...!" She cried as she hugged her teddy bear close to her, hoping that he would help the nightmares go away. Kakyoin felt a surge of sympathy for the girl and kneeled in front of her. "Who...are you? Are you okay?" He asked her gently, not wanting to scare her. The little girl was, understandably surprised at Kakyoin's sudden appearance and cowered back into the corner of the opposite sight. "P-please... Don't hurt me..." She said in a whimper.

Kakyoin was caught off guard now. This girl...she looked so familiar... She greatly reminded him of someone. Her pale, transparent skin, her big dark-purple eyes and matching dark-purple hair, her bangs her just above her right eye. He thought it was just a coincidence...but the similarities were all too perfect. He then spoke in a soft, gentle voice and held his hands up. "Don't be scared. I promise I'm not here to hurt you. What's the matter, are you lost?"

The little girl sniffed and gave a nod, then a shake...then a nod again. "I...I don't know. I don't know where I am or where my parents are...I'm scared that they must've left me all alone..." She said as she began to tear up again. "Hey now, it's alright. There's no way they would leave you in a place like this, I'm sure they're worried sick and are looking for you right now." Kakyoin tells her. This caused her to look up at him, a small ray of hope in her eyes. "Really?"

"Really. How about once we get down, I'll help you look for them." Kakyoin tells the child. This causes her to fully look up at him and he could practically see sparkles in her eyes. "You're not just saying that? You'll really help me, big brother?" Kakyoin gave a confirm nod. "Yeah, I'll any way I can."

The little girl then gave the brightest smile and then jumped into his arms, giving Kakyoin a big hug. "Thank you big brother!" She said happily as she pulled away. She couldn't believe it. Someone had actually found her and wanted to help. He was so nice and for some reason, she felt like she could trust him. Kakyoin couldn't help but smile back at her. She was so adorable, and he was really started to doubt that any parent to abandon such a sweet little girl!

Kakyoin set the little girl back down to her seat and squished her cheeks together, causing her to laugh. "Right, I didn't catch your name. I'm Noriaki Kakyoin." He introduced himself. The little girl smiled and bowed her head a bit. Then she told him her name, which shocked him to the core.

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