Chapter 5: Noriaki Kakyoin. The first enemy. Hierophant Green. Part 2

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"Ma'am? Where are the bandages and the rubbing alcohol, I thought they were here." Hikari asked the nurse.

"They're in the bottom cabinet. Sorry, I did some rearranging for the new supplies I received yesterday." She told her.

"Thank you."

When they arrived at school, Hikari insisted that Jotaro go see the school nurse to get his wound check out. Or at least get it cleaned. Who knows if it's already infected or something. The nurse was a bit happy to see them, since they got her attention away from two male students trying to ditch school by pretending to be sick. Hikari found what she needed and placed them on top of the desk. "That's a horrible cut JoJo, how'd you get it." She asked the tall teen as he sat down on the office chair. "Let me guess, you got into another fight, didn't you? Show some respect and take off that hat. It's poor manners." She scolded. The nurse tried to take his cap off herself, but he ducked out of her reach. "Would you stop that?" She said.

"Seriously, has JoJo ever been hurt in a fight before? That's not what caught him, I'm sure." One of the boys said.

"No way." The other laughed.

"Well, you two have a point." The nurse said. She laughed a bit as she picked up a pair of scissors. "Then I'll assume you were being clumsy, you big klutz. Wouldn't you agree Ms. Dorotea?"

"Huh? Uh, well u-um...maybe?" Hikari stammered out. It's probably best that she believed that other than to explain what really happened. Jotaro getting a cut on his leg out of nowhere is kind of hard to believe. The nurse took the scissors and went to cut Jotaro's uniform pants. The tall teen moved slightly away. "Hey, hold on. What are you going to do?"

"Cut your pants, of course."

"Like hell you are!" Jotaro sprang from his seat when she said that. No way she's going to ruin his outfit. She looked at him and sternly told him. "Well, if I'm going to treat that wound, I must."
"You'll ruin them. I'll take them off." He told her. The nurse laughed again. "Didn't know you were so thrifty. So, while JoJo's taking off his pants, I'm going to take your temperature and prove you're nothing but a bunch of fakers." She says to the two boys laying in bed.

"Come on, we really caught a cold."

"Totally. "

"Now just let us go home already."

"Hahahaha, not gonna happen."

Hikari giggled at them as she prepared the supplies to treat Jotaro's wound while he was about to take off his coat. She was cutting the bandage wrap when she heard Jotaro yell, "What the hell is this!?" She jumped a bit before going to him. "JoJo? What's wrong?" She asked. He didn't respond. He was focus on the handkerchief that Kakyoin gave him. In it was a deadly message. Jotaro didn't know what was going on. All he does is that he and Hikari were in danger. The message read, 'Jotaro Kujo, I will kill you and your friend today with my Stand! Noriaki Kakyoin.' Wait...his Stand?


"JoJo? What is it?" Hikari asked again.

"Hey, doctor...what are you trying to do?"

Jotaro and Hikari turned and saw that the nurse had suddenly gone into a mad frenzy. She was foaming at the mouth. Her eyes were crossed and appeared to have no control over herself. Hikari shook with fear and hid behind Jotaro's back. The other two boys backed away from her as she shook a pen all over the place. "What does it look like? I'm just shaking out the thermometer to reset it!"

"Th-that's not a thermometer you got in your hand!"

"Yeah, that's a pen!"

"Oh come on, did you just say pen? You think I'm dumb, does this look like a pen to you!"

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