Chapter 34: We finally made it

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"No, those giant teeth pulverised him!" Polnareff said in shock.

"J-Jotaro..." Joseph said.

"J...JoJo..!" Hikari said as tears formed in her eyes and clenched at her heart. No way....he can't be... Jotaro is.... "This can't be real...." She said as she nearly collapsed to the ground if Nemuru hadn't caught her. She held the girl close as she stared back at the black imprint of the tank's explosion. Avdol cursed under his breath as he turned away. "We didn't make it in time." As the group fears for the worst, Joseph suddenly hears something strange in the distance. It was muffled. But he was sure he could hear it.

".......!" "Hm? Hold on a sec. I think I can hear something." Joseph said as he lifted a hand to his ear. Listening carefully, straining his ear so that the sound could be more clearer. The sounds get louder and louder with each passing second. "It's definitely coming from far away." Avdol says.

"Listen again, I think it's getting closer." Kakyoin said.

"Doesn't it sound oddly familiar?" Nemuru asked. Hikari lifted up her head as she quickly recognised the sounds. She began to smile as it kept getting louder and louder. "Wait, that voice belongs to-!" Polnareff said, a smile growing on his face.


"The teeth! It's coming from inside the teeth!" Polnareff shouted as he pointed towards the source of the sounds. Joseph's eyes widened slightly and instantly duck down, covering his head. "Everyone! Get down and brace yourselves!" He shouted. "Huh?" Polnareff went. As soon as he did, a huge chunk of the teeth burst out and out comes Star Platinum, busting through the teeth and revealing an alive and well Jotaro. "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!!!!"

"Those teeth were as hard as diamonds but he managed to punch his way out!" Polnareff said. "OH MY GOD! And would you look at that, he's breaking the other teeth while he's at it!" Joseph shouted. "JoJo! He's okay!" Hikari cried out with an overjoyed smile. "That's show off." Kakyoin said with a smile. "That guy must like looking cool doesn't he?" Nemuru said. "His Stand's immense power never cease to amaze me." Avdol said.

"Come on. I'm getting us out of this hellhole." Jotaro tells the others. "ORAORAORAORAORAORA! ORA!" Star Platinum shouted as he destroyed all of the Stand's diamond-hard teeth, and they all break free from High Priestess' mouth. As the group heads back up to the water's surface. Jotaro turns his head back the High Priestess and said, "Oh good grief. Well, you were right about those teeth being sturdy but they weren't sturdy enough. Too bad, I guess your so-called diamonds were a little low on calcium." With that said, Jotaro rejoins with the others and the High Priestess dissipates from the seabed and was reduced to that of sea-foam.

When the group reaches the shore they took the time they have to breath in the fresh air and relax before continuing on as they took off their diving gear. "You couldn't pay me to do that again." Joseph said as he and the others took notice of a woman lying on the beach unconscious. She looks to be a woman of average height and build, dark brown hair and wearing a simple dress.

"Hey there's a woman passed out over there." Joseph said.

"I assume it's Rose, the user of the High Priestess." Avdol said.

"She doesn't seem dangerous, should we just leave her?" Kakyoin asked.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Nemuru said.

"I think I'll  go see if she's hot or not." Polnareff said walked over to the woman. "From the looks of it, she's got a pretty nice body. Let's see...." Polnareff walked closer to take a peek at her face.

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