Chapter 23: The Lovers part 1

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The group had to walk out of the graveyard and a couple of miles to find another mode of transportation. The whole time the woman of the group were passed out, which Polnareff, much to his dissatisfaction, had to carry Enyaba.

Once they finally found a ride, which was a horse-drawn carriage, they made went back on track to the next town over. Joseph and Jotaro sat in the front, Kakyoin, Nemuru, Hikari and Polnareff sat in the middle, and Enyaba, sitting alone in the back. The carriage finally arrived at its next destination, a coastal town of Karachi. Pakistan's industrialise and financial centre located in the Indus River delta.

Joseph pulled the carriage to a stop next to a food vendor who was selling Kebabs. He got out of the carriage and started to haggle with the vendor. The two men seemed to playing a mental game of tennis trying to get the best price for themselves. Nemuru was kind of impressed that Joseph was able to the Kebabs for 450 yen. 'He's such a con.' Nemuru thought as she rolled her eyes in amusement.

As Joseph walked back over to the group, he stopped a surprised look on his face. His eyes widened when he saw that Enyaba was sitting up with eyes wide open. Joseph dropped the Kebabs in shock and shouted for his comrades to watch out. "Holy crap! Turn around, that old lady's awake!" Joseph pointed out. Kakyoin, Jotaro, Nemuru, Hikari and Polnareff all looked back at Enyaba. Nemuru pulled Hikari behind her and prepared herself for a fight.

Suddenly, Enyaba had a look of fear on her face and started to shake and sweat, "I-I promised you... I haven't said anything to any of them, I swear! W-Why are you here?! What could you possibly want with me?! Do you think that I would actually tell them the secret of Lord Dio's Stand?! I am and shall always be his loyal servant!" She had her focus forward making everyone look at the food vendor who seemed to be ignoring them.

Everyone looked at the food vendor as he slowly started to take off his cloak and sunglasses to reveal his identity. He was a young man with dark, shoulder-length hair that frays out on the sides, has multiple irises with a ripple pattern on his eyes and his eyebrows are segmented, taking the shape of dotted lines. Hikari looked back at Enyaba and screamed. Nemuru, as she took Hikari into her arms, jumped out from the carriage and held her protectively. Tentacles had bursted out from Enyaba's eyes, mouth and ears with blood spewing out.

The older woman screamed as the tentacles shot out, breaking the carriage in the process. Upon seeing this, the guys scooped jumped away from the carriage. Enyaba continued to scream in pain as whatever was inside attacked her from within.

"Gross! What are they?! Some kind of worms?!" Polnareff asked in disgust.

"Why!? I have done nothing wrong! Why have you come here to kill me?!" Enyaba yelled at the man. "Lord Dio places his trust in no one. Not even you, Enyaba. That is why. And it's my job to make sure that you never speak again." The man said as he began to remove the robes as well. Beneath them, he wore a shirt with an open chest, going lower past a belt with a loincloth-type extension over his groin. The shirt has long sleeves that are a darker colour than the rest, matching his pants. "As for the rest of you. The only way you're leaving is in pieces."

Blood exploded out of Enyaba as she fell out of the carriage and to the ground. The sight was far too gruesome that everyone had to turn away to keep themselves from looking any further. "You can call me, Dan. Dan of Steel. My Stand represents the one and only Lovers card. I will see to it that you all meet the same fate as that pathetic witch Enyaba." Dan said. Polnareff felt his rage coursing through him as he glared daggers at Dan. "How could you?! That old lady was one of your own, you son of a-!" He growled as he ran to Enyaba's side, desperately wondering if they as any way to save her.

As Enyaba laid on the ground dying she refused to believe that Dio would do this to her. "Lies! Lies!! These are...all lies!! This isn't happening! Lord Dio would never do this to me! his loyal servant! Loyal!" She screamed out.

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