Chapter 43: A Soundless Voice Cries Out! Part 2

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Carrie swung Viking's Wrath at her head again but fortunately, Soundless Voice manifested behind her and kicked at her feet, causing her to lose her balance and fell to the ground. Hikari trapped her in her bubble shield again and said, "Please, stop this! I don't want to fight to anymore. Tell me where Dio's hiding and I'll let you go."

Carrie smirked and said, "Or else what? What can you even do? Do you even have the guts to hurt me? Seriously, what role do you to be here?"

That struck her to the core. "I can... role is too..." What...why was she here? Why did she come here again...? Hikari isn't a fighter.... could she do that? Can she hurt another person? But Carrie was an enemy. She was sent to kill her and her friends...! She...she has to fight back...but... how was she supposed to do that?

That trick from before isn't going to help as it'll just go against her. Wha...what reason does she have for travelling all this way? What is she good for? What else can she even do to help support her friends? As self-doubt was beginning to seep into her Carrie continued.

"Of course. You have been tricked into thinking that you were something very special. I'm sure they said many supportive and sweet words to you to make you feel better. The reality of the matter is quite different than the lies they are presenting you with. I shall open your eyes though," She says as she smashed through the bubble with Viking's Wrath. Whenever Viking's Wrath hits, with every time it makes contact, each strike is as powerful or more as the last. Another gust of wind blew in and knocked Hikari back. Every time Carrie would destroy her shields, it weighs down heavily on Hikari's mentality.

"You're so-called "friends" were more than happy to have your skills on their team, at first. But that was only because they thought you could be useful to them. Instead, they have to keep saving you whenever something happens. You can't do anything to protect yourself without them helping you." She says.

"N-no... You're wrong... I am useful...!" Hikari said as she struggles to get on her knees. She's lying. She has to be. She can't listen to her.

"It hasn't happened yet. But it will. Sooner or later, they're going to either dump you or send you packing if you can't get your shit together. Hell, even a mutt is a competent assent than you. You're becoming way to pathetic to keep around. Do you honestly believe they'd allow you to go up against Lord Dio with them? Ha! You'll die within seconds before you could even try. Even Jotaro knows how weak you are. That is why he is constantly by you. He believes you will snap under pressure if he doesn't hold your hand every five seconds." Carrie continues.

"Stop it! Please...! Why are you saying such things?" Hikari asks her but was quickly silenced when Carrie kicked her down and began to stomp all over her. Her head, chest, stomach, legs. Anywhere that will hurt. "You know that I speak the truth," She murmurs and kicked violently on Hikari's stomach.

"I know you must think of me as some kind of monster. But I am saying and doing this for your own good. Better you see things as they will happen if you continue being alive. It would make life so much better if you were to die. Just of how many people will be relieved knowing their biggest burden is no more." Carrie explains to Hikari.

"No! You're lying...! I...I'm not a burden...!" Hikari cried out, tears fell from her face.

"I know the truth can be difficult to accept. But accept it you must," She states and continues her mental/physical assault. Carrie grabbed a fistful of Hikari's hair and began to punch her repeatedly in the face. "You're a waste of space! You're nothing but a failure and a big mistake! A stupid, worthless little slut like you should have never been born in the first place!"

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