Chapter 31: Blossoming Feelings

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The group was quickly rescued and brought to the next town. Hikari had a hard time letting go of the baby, because he didn't want to let go of her. He kept crying and clinging to her but she was finally able to get him off and sent a farewell. Joseph rented a speedboat and now the group was speeding across the water. Joestar and the others have now crossed the Arabian peninsula and are currently making their way across the Red Sea as they prepared to enter Egypt. But...

"Hey, old man. Something's off. You're going the wrong direction. If you're headed to Egypt, shouldn't you be traveling directly west?" Jotaro asked. Catching the other's attention. "You seem to be heading toward that island." Jotaro said as he pointed towards the island ahead of them.

"That's right, nice deduction. I've had my reasons for keeping this to myself, but before we arrive in Egypt, we need to make a slight detour. Someone is waiting for us on the island. He's a man who is extremely important to our journey." Joseph said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Polnareff asked.

Nemuru smiled excitedly for what was to come. Hikari, however, was a bit anxious and held Jotaro's arm. "It'll be alright...will it?" She asked nervously. Jotaro looked down at her and held her hand. "Relax. It's fine." He said. Hikari nodded, accepting his answer. "Okay." Nemuru smiled at them and sighed in content. Honestly, she can't stop watching those two.

"You okay in letting her go?" Kakyoin asked he walked to her. Nemuru playfully smacked him in the shoulder. "Shut it. You make it sound like I'm her mother or something. long as Jotaro with her, she'll be fine." Nemuru said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet. "Here." She showed him the photo of her parents. Kakyoin took the photo and stared at the happy family. Her father seemed to a very well-mannered, respectable man with dark brown hair and chestnut brown eyes. Quite handsome. Her mother was very pretty, she looked just like Nemuru, only her dark purple hair was cut short and had her dark purple eyes and transparent skin. And Nemuru standing in between them, smiling carefree and holding her white teddy bear in her arms.

"You looked so happy." He said.

"I was."

"Wha...?" Kakyoin went as he looked at her. She looked sad...but held a small smile. Nemuru took back her wallet and simply said, "I was happy...until Dio showed up." Kakyoin's heart ached for her. He recalled his own pain of loneliness, and how he never connected with anyone. But he felt that was nothing compared to what she must've been through. He remembered how she yelled that she wanted to save her mother. Kakyoin step forward and reached to wrap his arm around her, but he lost his chance. The speedboat docked on the beach of the small island.

As Hikari went to get off Jotaro held his arms out, he grabbed Hikari by the waist easily lifting her off the boat and onto the sand. Hikari's cheeks tinted pink as she thanked Jotaro and smiled. "Thank you so much JoJo." She said. Jotaro just gave a 'hmph' and patted her head, making her giggle.

As the five started walking through the island Hikari was amazed by all the flourishing plant life she saw. "Wow... It's so beautiful here." She said. "Hey, what's the big idea? Does someone actually live here? This is such a tiny little island it practically deserted." Polnareff said.

"I would have to agree. Mr. Joestar, are you sure someone actually live here?" Kakyoin asked the older man. "He's been living on this island by himself. A man he told me back in India and I'm sure I heard him correctly." Joseph replied. That caught Kakyoin's attention. "Wait a sec, you say a man..?"

"What? Mangos from India?" Polnareff questioned out loud. Making Kakyoin sigh and Nemuru groaning in annoyance. "Don't ever stop to think, assuming you can think at all, and wonder what you'll say next...might the stupidest thing you'll and make you more of an idiot?!" She shouted.

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