Chapter 56: DIO's World, Part 2

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The sun had completely set and Hikari was anxious having the feeling that someone was constantly watching her, it had to be Dio. The group, minus Polnareff, had to be on constant alert for who knows when Dio will strike. The five decided to split up. Joseph with Kakyoin and Nemuru and Jotaro with Hikari. Hikari was extremely nervous, she's been doing well so far holding her own, but Dio's mere presence shook her to her very core. That incident when he captured still haunted her. She shudders to wonder of what exactly would have happened to her if she hadn't got away.

A large hand was placed on her shoulder and Hikari looked up meeting Jotaro's eyes. She was rather surprised when Jotaro bent down placing his forehead on her's. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to, Jotaro's actions always spoke louder than his words. Hikari could hear what Jotaro was trying to tell her.

"No matter what, I'll protect you."

Jotaro pulled away from Hikari, and she had calmed down a significant amount. "Thank you, JoJo." She said with a kind smile. Jotaro nodded his head than two continued with their other mission.


"Hey, buddy. Let us by this truck off ya. What do you say?" Joseph asked.

"The hell is wrong with you?! This baby's my bread and butter, no way I'd-...It's all yours." The man initially should but happily obliged once Joseph gave him a stack of cash. Once the truck became theirs, Joseph and Kakyoin hopped inside and started the engine while Nemuru took the bed of the truck. "Buckle up Kakyoin, Nemuru." Joseph says as they drove down the streets. Watching them, peaked from the top of the tower, Dio stood still for a while a dark gaze on his face, he smirks to himself as he then took off into the night sky.

Polnareff was crouched behind a tall bush, lurking near Dio's mansion. He had been watching him and he vowed to put in end to the Vampire Lord once and for all. Polnareff stood up about to run after him when suddenly, "Hold it Polnareff." Jotaro said, grabbed his shoulder. Causing the Frenchman to turn around. "I had them let you go because convincing stubborn guys like you is a pain in the ass. But the old man, Kakyoin and Nemuru insisted we'd stay close to watch your back. So here we are."  Polnareff smiled, knowing full well that Jotaro and Hikari stayed on their own accord. "Jotaro. Hikari."

Jotaro gave a small smile back and Hikari giggled. "Oh, good grief."


They've been driving down the streets for a few minutes now, but even with the distance they made, Dio's presence still weighs heavy on their shoulders. Joseph looked at the rearview mirror and tells his friends, "I still sense Dio's sinister bloodlust. Its presence is overwhelming..! He's coming for us. You can bet your ass he's on our trail."

"Are you saying that Dio somehow knows our precise location?" Kakyoin asked.

"I wouldn't put it past him." Nemuru said.

"Not quite. He stole the body of my grandfather, Jonathan Joestar. I can sense his body but I can't tell if he's nearby or far away. I have a general feeling but I don't know exactly where he is." Joseph explains to them. "It's like when we got to Cairo and, while I knew he was here, I couldn't pinpoint his lair. Lucky for us, the same thing goes for Dio. All he knows is that we're nearby but he's unable to tell the difference between us. And he probably doesn't know we've separated, which is good for now."

"Maybe... But I hope all of us makes it out of this." Nemuru says.


Now that they had Polnareff, the three needed a ride. Jotaro quickly located a motorcycle ripe for the taking. Polnareff went to and grabbed at the wires. He tried to hotwire it to start up the engine but it wasn't working much to the Frenchman's annoyance. Being the cool guy he was Jotaro simply gave the motorized vehicle a swift kick to the side and it started up immediately. Using Star Platinum, Jotaro broke the chain tethering the bike to a telephone pole then got on. 

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