Chapter 37: The Moon and Stars are meant to be...

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With how fast Polnareff was driving it took the group only about an hour to arrive at the nearest town. They immediately checked all the injured into the hospital with Kakyoin and Hikari been rushed to the emergency room. With Avdol, his injuries weren't too serious so he finished up quickly but he still needed to rest up for a while. But with the other two, it was uncertain if anything good news will come around. Hours passed by while the rest of the Joestar awaited for any information.

Out of all of them, with Nemuru being a close second, no one was more worried or tensed up than Jotaro. And for good reasons. They often glace at him with sympathy as he struggled in keeping himself together. He was still as a rock but his hands were clenched and were shaking uncontrollably.

They had tried to get him to relax for even just a little bit, but he refused. He wouldn't rest until he knew Hikari would be alright. They sighed and decided to leave him be, besides they couldn't force him to do anything. They understood why he was on high alert. As the night progresses, the others eventually fell asleep in the waiting room with Jotaro the only one still awake. He fought off sleep, although he did doze off several times. It wasn't long, though. Only cat naps that lasted ten to twenty minutes. His body was asking for food, but he wasn't hungry. However, he did drink some water from time to time.

He knows this wasn't exactly good for him, but...with her being inside of that room with doctors trying desperately to save her...his personal health didn't mean a damn thing until he learned Hikari's fate. He couldn't relax until his beloved angel pulled through or she died where she laid. How much time had passed? Was it hours, he wasn't sure. He was so tired and out of it, that time meant nothing to him.

He then noticed a doctor walking up to them and he immediately stood up. "How are they?" He asked. "Well, the young man had gone through the operation just fine and the lady had finally made it through the worst of it," the doctor spoke the words he longed to hear. "Yes... She should be alright now." He told him. "I'm not sure what exactly caused this to happen, but whatever it is, it narrowly missed her heart but it had nicked her left lung. If you had not rushed her here, nothing would have been able to save her."

Jotaro didn't stay to listen to what the doctor had said and instead nearly sprinting away to go find her. He needed to see her. Jotaro forgot to ask the doctor where she was resting but he was far too focused with just finding her. Eventually, he found her room and quietly opened the door. There she was. Laying on her bed with several tubes attached to her and wearing an oxygen mask. Her heart rate monitor was the only thing that filled the room with sound. The curtains in her room were drawn, allowing the full moon's light in.

Jotaro walked into the dark room and immediately went to Hikari's bedside. Looking down at her, he gently ran his fingers over her face, brushing away a few stray hairs. "My beautiful angel..." He said quietly to himself. Thanking God that he did not take her away from him. He cannot believe how fortunate he was. In life, someone loses someone they love every day...but he was so fortunate that he still has her in his life. Hikari hadn't been stolen from him just yet. He couldn't believe how close it had come to that.

This was all his fault... It was all his fault that she was lying in this hospital bed in the first place. ....what...? What the hell is wrong with him?! He swore that he would protect her! From the very beginning, he promised her that he would always be there to protect her no matter what!! And this is the result?! Her innocence was nearly tainted! She had a breakdown! She was nearly killed!! ALL BECAUSE OF HIM! HOW THE HELL COULD HE LET THIS HAPPEN?!

For the first time in a while, tears came to his eyes as he watched her peaceful face. She looked so...content. Breaking down, he fell to his knees and grasped her hand, pressing it against his cheek, feeling her warmth invade his senses. "Wake up soon... I want to see your eyes..." Jotaro said. He didn't know what he would do with himself if he ever lost her. If he did, there was no way he was ever going to trust or love someone again.

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