Chapter 48: Hol Horse and Mondatta, part 2

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"You here alone, Hol Horse. No way, a coward like you wouldn't come by himself." Polnareff says as he searches around for any sign of Hol Horse's partner. "I'm sure he's hiding out nearby right? Well, where's your partner?!" Polnareff demanded him.

'Crap! On the upside though, he hasn't noticed Mondatta yet! I still have a chance.' Hol Horse thought to himself. But that bit of hope he had ended up going up in flames when he gazed down at the crate, seeing Mondatta's fingers and his Stand peeking out from beneath it. 'Shit! He's gonna see the book and his fingers..!'

"On your own, you're not much of a threat Hol Horse but I'm well aware you have a special talent for picking allies. If you found someone to work with like before, that could make you a dangerous obstacle. Tell me, where did your partner go? Out with it, where's the other Stand user?!" Polnareff shouted.

'Your fingers..! Mondatta, hide your fingers! If he gets wise to where you are, it's all over!' Hol Horse thought to himself. Sweating buckets as he prayed for the kid to hide his fingers. All the while Mondatta was hoping for Hol Horse to have faith in his Stand's ability and follow through with the prediction by sticking his fingers up Polnareff's nose. Eventually, Polnareff took notice him when he spotted a hand reacting to a bug that was crawling on the ground.

The rest of the Joestar crew were calling out to Polnareff and but were getting concern as to why he wasn't responding to them. Worried that something had happened, they proceeded to make their way over. Hol Horse was panicking now. What should he do?! If Polnareff finds Mondatta, if the other's see him, then it's all over for him and he's sure to be killed. Without having much of a choice, Hol Horse acted upon what Tohth predicted. "Hey Polnareff, did you find the person tailing us?" Joseph called out.

"Say something." Avdol said.

"Avdol and the others.... Will be here soon!" Polnareff shouted at the cowboy. Hol Horse may have shoved his fingers up Polnareff's nose but he has no idea how to follow it up. What's worse, Joseph, Jotaro, Hikari, and Avdol are closing in on his position. Hol Horse looked behind the corner and thought about what he should do. Seeing that his attention was diverted, Polnareff pulled his head back and summoned Silver Chariot to fight but was met with a gun pointed directly at his face. Hol Horse may have had Polnareff under wraps but there was still the others to deal with. What should he do?! He needed to think of something and fast.

Eventually, the others turn the corner and found Polnareff leaning against the wall nonchalantly with a wide smile and his arms crossed. Alone.

"Hang on. You've been here the entire time? What's wrong, did you find someone following us or not?" Avdol asked him. "Well...uh..." Polnareff said, nervously. It was a bit hard to keep a straight face when you have a gun pressed against your head. Before the others showed up, Hol Horse had managed to hold Polnareff at point-blank range with Emperor and thus hides in a corner behind him. 'This is getting uglier by the second! They've backed me into a corner! According to that fool comic book, I was supposed to get my big chance after I've stuck my fingers up Polnareff's nose! But everything has gone south and I'm about to be in a world of trouble!' Hol Horse thought to himself.

"Is everything alright Mr. Polnareff?" Hikari asked him.

"Uh, of course." Polnareff said.

'Well, now I've really stepped in it. If Avdol finds me, I'm as good as dead! I think I'm gonna cry!! Had I known something like this was gonna happen, I would've just blown them away from a distance. Argh, Mondatta! This is all your fault you know that?! That fool Polnareff's sword would've had nothing on my gun! Damn it!' Hol Horse thought.

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