Chapter 2: Possessed? There's an evil spirit among us.

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It all started in the year of 1987, when Jotaro hadn't come to school for two days. At the time, Hikari didn't think too much about it as it was somewhat common for him to ditch school every now and then. She'd gone to visit his house to see if he was there. Holly was the one who answered the door. After they greeted each other, Hikari asked her if Jotaro was home or if she had seen him anywhere lately. Holly shook her head no and told her that Jotaro had left the house and simply wandered off. She was worried but she had high hopes that he will come home soon. Hikari nodded and agreed with her.

Jotaro was probably out doing his own thing...or whatever it is that delinquents do in their spare time, who knows? They said goodbye as Hikari left and walked back to her house. Then she received the news on the third day. Hikari was getting herself ready for school. She put on her sailor fuku uniform, white thigh high socks, and dark brown loafers. She placed the finishing touches on tying a white daisy headband. Hikari gave herself a small smile, thinking that she might see her best friend JoJo today this time. She grabbed her school bag and was halfway out the door when she heard the phone ring. Hikari went to go answer it and heard Holly's voice on the other end.

"Hikari!" Holly shouted, she sounded so agitated.

"Mrs. Kujo?" Hikari asked. Concern filling her heart. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"It's Jotaro! The police just called me, they have him locked up!"

"What?! W-why, what happened?"

"They said they would explain it to me at the station. I don't know what happened but I'm going to go to find out."

"W-w-wait, please. Let me go with you Mrs. Kujo." Hikari said.

"Are you sure sweetie?"

"Y-yes. JoJo is my best friend and now I'm getting worried. P-please let me go with you."

"Alright. I'll be taking a cab so I'll see you soon." Holly said.

When the two hung up, Hikari waited outside her house for Holly. Luckily, she only lived two blocks away from the Kujo household so Holly arrived quickly. Once she was in the cab, Holly immediately told the driver to head down straight to the police station. On the way there, Holly was deeply worried about her son. Almost to the brink of crying, saying things like, "My poor little boy. Please be okay. I'll be there soon." Hikari wrapped her arms around the woman's shoulders, doing her best to comfort the mother. Though, she herself was just worried about Jotaro. What exactly happened to him? What landed him in prison to begin with? Hikari wasn't sure if she wanted to know, but she has to.

They arrived at the station where they quickly went to the front desk and asked about Jotaro. The woman at the front desk called in two officers. The ones who arrested Jotaro in the first place. One was short and chubby, the other was tall and lean. The woman gave them Jotaro's file and The cops pulled the two woman off to the side to discuss about the teen's situation. "Jotaro Kujo. Seventeen years old and a 195 cm tall. His father is a Japanese jazz musician, currently on tour. His mother is an American of British descent." The short cop read.

"Yes, all of that is correct. And Jotaro is definitely my son." Holly said.

"Seems like all his friends call him JoJo." The taller cop commented as he read more of the file. "Guess they decided to take the Jo from his first name and the Jo from his last name, and combine them. Oh man, that's really lame." Hikari took offense to that comment. She was the one gave him that nickname...and she loves it. "It's not lame. It's cute." She mumbled. The cops took notice of her presence and asked, "And who are you, young lady?"

"Huh? oh, I'm Chiara 'Hikari' Dorotea. I'm a close friend of Jotaro Kujo."

"A friend, huh?"

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