Chapter 41: Anubis part 2

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The group had managed to make it onto the boat in time and head of to Edfu. It was already night time, so they checked into a hotel, and sneaking Iggy inside, and Hikari had finally let go of the sword. Once she let go of the sword Iggy jumped into her arms growling towards the weapon. Hikari's mind was a little clearer but her mind still felt a little hazy. Since it was getting late, the group decided to get some sleep and decided to hold on to the sword until they can go to a police station and have it secured.

Jotaro looked over at Hikari and noticed that she looked a bit enervated, her eyes were foggy, and he was worried that she must've been feeling some kind of relapse from her operation. The sword was being already being guarded by Joseph and Avdol, so... He grabbed Iggy and opened Polnareff's door and just chucked him inside. "What the-?!" Polnareff managed to shout out before Jotaro closed the door behind him. He then made his way over to Hikari and guided her to their room, setting her down to the bed.

He kneeled before her and asked, "Are you alright?" Hikari wordlessly nodded her head before looking him up with a small hint of fear in her eyes. "JoJo..? Honey, I may just be imagining it...but I think there's something wrong with that sword. I can't explain it...but...when I touched it, I felt like it was talking to me. I never want to hold that sword again." Hikari said as she gripped her arms and began to shake like a leaf.

Jotaro listen closely to her and considered her worries. He'll admit, that sword did give off a bad vibe, but he knows that it would stay with them for long. He reached up to caresses her cheek and he says, "Don't think about it too much. By tomorrow, it'll be gone and far away from us. Okay?" Hikari gave a nod, but she still held a fearful look. Her mind was still haunted by how cold she suddenly felt. The ominous whispers in her head. The chilling, horrible urge of wanting to unsheathe that sword.

Having to see her like this, Jotaro didn't want her to keep on thinking about that sword and tried thinking of a way to distract her from it. He had a couple of ideas...and since he was her shouldn't be that much a problem right? As long as it's him, Hikari would allow it...right? He hoped so. Sigh. He just has to go for it. If she turns away, he'll stop.

Jotaro nudged her until she was laying flat on her back on the bed. Hikari was momentarily confused before she blushed deep red when Jotaro climbed on top of her. He kisses her cheek. Then her lips. And started a trail of kisses along her jaw, and down to her neck. "JoJo?" She blushes as she looks up at him. Wondering what he was doing? This was so much to process for her, she hadn't thought that Jotaro would ever this bold. But she should've. "Wh-what are you doing?" She asked, looking up at him with those shy and trusting eyes. A light pink blush decorating her face.

Ever since what happened with Dan, Jotaro was worried if he tried to comfort her the way he was doing right now, she would be reminded of that pansy-ass and his sick threats. However, seeing her looking at him with those eyes, and how he held her protectively in his arms that night. He knew. That as long as it's long as it's only him... Hikari will accept it. She was so innocent. So pure. Painfully so. And that's one of the many reasons Jotaro loves so dearly about her.

"I know you're still worried about that sword...but I want to help distract you from it. At least for tonight... Do you want me to?" He asked, moving up to look at her. Hikari shyly looked away for a second before reaching up to cup his cheek. "Y-yes, please... I trust you." Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

"I'll try my best to make this easy and simple for you. I won't go any farther than I have to." He says as he leans down to continue kissing her neck. Hikari feels herself blush more at his words. She didn't know what she was going to say or do to any of that. But she trusts Jotaro with every fibre of her being. She places her hands on his shoulders as he lavishes her with kisses and a few caresses here and there.

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