Chapter 54: The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice, Part 3

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"The blood that stains my body is Avdol's handiwork. Not Polnareff's." Cool Ice says as he breathed heavily. Hikari was a bit confused at what he was saying but she decided to not think too much of it. "My plan was to eradicate the others simultaneously, but due to yours and Avdol's intervention, Polnareff's demise was postponed. Anyone else would've instinctively. Saved himself over risking life and limb to come to the aid of an oblivious comrade. That alone makes him responsible for my injuries." Cool Ice then solemnly declares.

He stares at Hikari with soulless, but rage-fuelled, eyes. He found it somewhat admirable that despite her being alone to face him, she was still able to look at him with courage in those eyes. Soundless Voice appeared beside her, forming a ball of energy between her palms. "Don't fool yourself. Do you honestly believe you can handle me by yourself?" Cool Ice asked her.

"Maybe. I might not be able to defeat you, but at least I can hold you off until my friends get here. I'm not scared of you. And I'm not afraid to lay down my life if it means to defeat your master." Hikari tells him. Cool Ice narrows his eyes at her. Dio had told them not to underestimate the Joestar Group's resolve and told him to bring her to his chamber. But now that he was actually looking at her, he couldn't help but think of how much of an idiot she was. He didn't understand why Dio wanted this particular girl. She didn't seem to be that strong. Nor was there anything remotely interesting about her but it wasn't his place to questioned him. After all, all Dio told him was to bring her to him. He hadn't said anything about NOT hurting her.

"I'm not sure why Lord Dio would want you, but I'll see though my mission without fail!" Cool Ice yelled as he rushed towards her. "What'd he say?" Hikari asked herself. Soundless Voice disbanded her attack and quickly pulled up a shield. Cool Ice and Cream struck her shield but instead of having the attack being bounced at him, it instead held him in place. When he wasn't inside Cream's abyss, Cool Ice was surprisingly slow. "Silent Moon Pulse!" Hikari cried out as Soundless Voice pressed her hands against Cool Ice's throat and the blast sent him flying across the room.

The blast held enough for Cool Ice's neck to break. However, even though she was aware of that, Hikari knew that if he could survive with his brain stem being severed, he most certainly survive a broken neck. He wasn't going to stay down for long, so she had to think of a plan and fast. She turned back to the way she shoved Avdol, Polnareff and Iggy at. She prayed that she had managed to get them to a safe distance away and that they'll meet up with the others soon.

'Alright. I probably have at least a few minutes before Cool Ice gets back up again. What should I do now? He can't be a normal man, can he? normal man could ever survive the injuries he gained.' Hikari thought to herself as she carefully walked around Cool Ice's body.

As she tried to think of a plan, a thought suddenly came to her. She turned her head towards the hole-riddled wall and gazed at the streaks of light that was seeping through. The light from outside. Cool Ice's survival against those critical wounds. And the creature that Dio is... Hikari let out a soft gasp as she realised what Cool Ice really was. As the realisation came to her, Cool Ice silently stands back up and summons Cream. He was prepared to attack her but then Hikari said, "Now I get it. I know what you are now."

Cool Ice let out a roar and was about to absorb a part of her so she won't be able to run. But Hikari had already sensed him behind so and thwarting the attack from behind as Soundless Voice appeared and launched her attack on the evil Vampire henchman. Cool Ice crashed against the wall, creating a huge crater before jumping back on his feet. He jumped in the air and tried to attack again, and when he did, Hikari saw the fangs in his mouth. So she was right about him.

Hikari summoned her Full Moon shield and stopped him. Soundless Voice created her attack and threw it like a frisbee at him. Causing Cool Ice to bounce off the ceiling before colliding with the ground. Cool Ice sat up, growling and glaring daggers at the girl. She was becoming more trouble than she was worth. "I know what you are now. You're like Dio, aren't you? He must've transformed you, right?" Hikari questioned. Cool Ice let out a roar as he charges at her again but Hikari was already ready for him.

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