Chapter 39: The Zenyatta Mondatta Brothers part 2

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"Jotaro, I know we've said this already, but you're acting really weird today." Polnareff said.

"It's nothing. I just feel a little under the weather is all." Zenyatta says. Polnareff and Joseph gave him an unreadable look. Nemuru calmed down after her laughing fit and stared out the window. Zenyatta began to grow worried again as he clasped his hands together. 'Crap... This couldn't get any worse! I know their type since I put them on guard, they're gonna interrogate me and realise I an impostor...that is if Nemuru here is finished with her sick thrill and tells them! If they figure me out, they'll kill me and if I don't undo my disguise, I'll blow up just like the prophecy said!'

Zenyatta was seriously on edge now. Their stares were intense and he was scared of either outcome. Blow his cover, they kill him. Continue with the charade, he'll blow up. He didn't know what to do. At this rate, he was sure he was going to get physically sick. Wait..! That's it! Sick! That's the perfect plan. 'Th-that's it! I'll just pretend I'm sick and make them let me out of the car to relief myself! Brilliant!'

"Jotaro, I couldn't help but notice the way you're clasping your hands." Polnareff suddenly says as he points down. Zenyatta looks down in slight confusion at his hands before Polnareff grips them and held them up for the world to see. "Ah-ha! Are you aware you've got your left thumb on top of the others, well are you!?" Polnareff shouted. Zenyatta let out a small gasp as Polnareff gave him a tense staredown. Panic quickly seeps in. 'Damn it! I wasn't prepared for this! Does Jotaro have some weird tick that causes him to clasp his hands with his right thumb on top?! WHO EVEN NOTICES SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! What am I gonna do?!'

Zenyatta tried to say something that would be a valid excuse but then suddenly, Polnareff busted out laughing. "Hahahaha!! That just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were a woman in a past life!" He said with a wide smile. His smile gets even bigger and his clasps his own hands together except his right thumb was on top. "And since unlike you, I always put my right thumb on top it proves that I was a man in my past life!"

"Wow, now how about that? I always put my left thumb on top as well." Joseph commented as he clasped his hands too. "Sorry, Mr. Joestar but that proves that you too were a woman in a past life."

"Says you, how does it prove anything? How do thumbs factor into reincarnation? That's so stupid!" Joseph shouts as he and Polnareff share a laugh while Zenyatta couldn't stop his body from shaking and feels a severe stomach ache roiling in. He didn't know how much longer of this he'll take. 'Uuuggghh... Now I really do feel sick. These rabit lunatics are driving me up the wall! Alright, I'll tell them I've got a stomach ache.'

"Jotaro, what do you say we find out which one of us can eat an orange the fastest?" Polnareff says with a smile as he held up the bomb in his hand. Zenyatta's heart stopped entirely. "Say what?!" He shouts. Polnareff kept on smile on his face as he rubs the orange a bit as Zenyatta tries to stop him. "Hey, maybe you-." He said. Polnareff held the orange and was about to stick his thumb into it before Zenyatta fully panicked and shouted, "Stop it! Don't you that you idiot!" Zenyatta lunges forward to take from Polnareff's hand but his sudden yell and actions made the Frenchman jumped away from in surprise and confusion.

"Whoa there! What the hell are you doing Jotaro?!" Polnareff shouted.

"What's going on with you today Jotaro!?" Joseph asks his grandson. Growing concern over his strange behaviour. "I can understand that you're a little anxious about you and Chiara being a thing, but this is ridiculous!" Nemuru quietly chuckles to herself as Zenyatta regains his composure, somewhat, and sit back in his seat. "'s nothing guys."

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