Chapter 55: DIO's World, Part 1

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With the new opening, the rest of the Joestar group took off running down the hallways. As they ran, unbeknownst to them, however, they were being listened on by another Vampire named Nukesaku who had his ear pressed down on the ground, hearing their footsteps. He was a small, pale-skinned male vampire. He has long, unkempt black hair, purple eyes and wears a dark jumpsuit over which he sports an assorted vest and boots, a loincloth, multiple ringlets on the wrists and ankles, and an animal print taqiyah.

He chuckles to himself as he begins to gloat over being the last survivor. "That Cool Ice, Billie Jean, even D'Arby Younger. Hahahaha...I knew they were nothing but incompetent fools." Nukesaku says as he lifted himself off the ground and jumped onto the ceiling. Laughing and smiling to himself. "Hehehehehe-hahaha!! I shouldn't laugh but knowing they got what they deserve feels so satisfying!! That's what the fools get for calling me a loser! But at least now we know I wasn't one after all!"

"Don't be absurd. You can't possibly defeat the Joestars using that pathetic power." Cool Ice says.

"Out of the way, loser." D'Arby tells him.

"Hey, but that's not fair! I want a chance to fight them too!" Nukesaku called out to them, practically begging them to take him with them.

"You're merely an ordinary Vampire." Cool Ice said.

"You best stay out of our way or we might end up killing you." Billie Jean said, holding back a laugh.

"Do try to behave yourself, loser." D'Arby says as he and the others walked away, leaving him behind.

Nukesaku growls in anger at that memory. "I'll be the one who finishes off Jotaro!" He shouts as he jumps off the ceiling to initiate his plan.

The group came across a stairway and didn't hesitate running up the long flight of steps. Once they reached the top Kakyoin immediately stopped putting his arm up to stop the group from continuing. "Stop! There's something up ahead to the right!" A door to the room was slightly ajar. Everyone grew tense as they felt a presence approach. Heavy breathing could be heard as a young woman appeared in the doorway. She wore simple earrings, a light dress, and a stylish belt. Her face was flushed, and she appeared terrified as she leaned against the door.

"A woman."

The woman's eyes got big, and she let out a shrill shriek of terror. "Please have mercy on me! I'm begging you, don't suck my blood! Anything but that!" The woman started to cry as she shakily approached the group. "I swear I'll do whatever you want! Just let me live, that's all I'm asking!" She cried as she fell to her knees.

"Hey, easy now. You need to calm down." Joseph said.

"I won't run away anymore! You can trust me! Please have mercy!" The woman cried.

"Just breath." Joseph tells her. "We aren't Dio's minions, and were certainly not Vampires! We're the good guys! So just calm down and let us help you!" The woman abruptly stopped crying and looked up at them with hope. "You're good guys? G-good guys, you're...really not those evil Vampires? You're actually going to help me get away from here?"

Jotaro approached the woman. "That's right. We're good." He says. The woman gave a grateful smile and dove at Jotaro, she didn't even get close to the tall teen when she was met with a fist to the face by Star Platinum and the woman flew back. Some of her teeth flew out her mouth as blood gushed from her lips and nose. "Real good at punching evil in the face." Jotaro said as the woman crashes through the door and landed on the ground with a heavy thud.

"If you still want help, we'll be happy to oblige. We'll help by sending you a one-way trip to hell! Sound good, Kakyoin? Nemuru." Joseph said. The two teens gave a firm nod in agreement. The woman twitched before flipping over revealing a Nukesaku's face on the back of her head. "H-how?! Damn it!! Tell me!! How?! How?! How did you figure it out!? My power is impossible to crack!" The vampire yelled.

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